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Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star


COVID-19 triggers addiction relapses and overdose deaths

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer April 28, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is causing a lot of difficulties for people who struggle with addiction or substance abuse. People who suffer from the disease of addiction are particularly vulnerable to catching coronavirus and having more severe cases if they do catch it.


Mental health concerns for medical workers

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer April 21, 2020

Health care workers across the world are risking their lives to protect their communities from the novel COVID-19 virus, but their noble work is putting their psychological health in great jeopardy.


Black Americans are being hit the hardest by COVID-19

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer April 14, 2020

According to new statistics, Black Americans in some major cities are dying of coronavirus at much higher rates compared to other Americans. As coronavirus related deaths rapidly increase in cities with significant black populations, including New Orleans, Detroit, and New York, health officials fear that COVID-19 will further widen existing gaps in healthcare.


It is time to say no to animal consumption

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer April 7, 2020

Many of the viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that have caused major diseases in the past have had their origin in animals. Animals, even those that appear healthy, can sometimes carry harmful germs that spread to people and cause illness--these are known as zoonotic diseases. The Center for Disease Control stated on its website: “Zoonotic diseases are very common, both in the United States and around the world. Scientists estimate that more than 6 out of every 10 known infectious diseases in people can be spread from animals, and 3 out of every 4 new or emerging infectious diseases in people come from animals.”


University commencement ceremonies to be postponed

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer March 31, 2020

Colleges across the United States are beginning to cancel or postpone graduation ceremonies due to fears that the coronavirus pandemic will last well into the spring. Some universities are considering virtual alternatives, while others are inviting seniors back for commencement at a later date or simply mailing students their diplomas.


Mental health struggles increase amongst COVID-19

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer March 24, 2020

Many college students in China are reporting anxiety about interrupted studies, explaining that they feel “helpless.”


Menstrual cups: the new norm

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer March 10, 2020

Many women are starting to use menstrual cups as a feminine hygiene product in replacement of pads or tampons. A menstrual cup is a small, flexible reusable cup made of rubber or silicone that can be inserted into the vagina to catch and collect period fluid.


Rohnert Park resident facing charges for filming female coworkers

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer March 4, 2020

Last Sunday, Feb. 23, Petaluma police were notified after an employee at Whole Foods discovered a hidden cell phone that was actively recording in the employee restroom. Rohnert Park resident Kendall Hansen-Keys, 26, was suspected of spying on female coworkers using the bathroom at the grocery store, and was arrested on invasion of privacy charges Sunday afternoon.


Water in Rohnert Park violated health guidelines

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer February 26, 2020

Reliable access to clean drinking water is a fundamental human need. The city of Rohnert Park, home to more than 40,000 residents and a prestigious public university that hosts 9,000 students, has struggled to provide this clean water to its residents. Living in the beautiful North Bay is a dream for many, but how does the ongoing issue with water safety affect this dream?


Asbestos fears on campus

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer February 19, 2020

Last week, on Feb. 7, Sonoma State sent out an email to all students and faculty regarding the as- bestos on campus. According to the email, at least 12 buildings on campus are “locations with asbestos- containing construction materials.”

The press release said that asbestos has been detected in areas like fire door insulation, floor tiles, transite panels, and thermal system insulation.

Asbestos, an excellent electrical insulator that is highly resistant to heat, was used as a building material for decades, before it was banned in 1977. It is a well-known health hazard if asbestos particles or fibers be- come airborne and ingested.

Sonoma State students reacted to the email sent last week, caus- ing mixed emotions to arise on the issue. Overall, people have many questions about it, and some feel as though they have been left in the dark.


University offers new wine business degree transition program

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer February 12, 2020

This fall semester, Sonoma State offered a new Wine Bachelor’s Degree Transition Program to its students--the first of its kind in this region. The university partnered with Santa Rosa Junior College to offer this joint program.

Students begin the four-year track at SRJC, where they complete their general elective and wine production coursework to earn their associate’s degree and then transfer to complete their upper-division wine business classes.

Rather than obtaining a bachelor’s degree in wine business at SSU, and then transferring to SRJC for two years to learn about the production of wine, students can learn it all within four years using this new track.

“This program will give students who would like a career in the wine industry a well-rounded educational experience to prepare them for their career,” said the Executive Director of the Wine Business Institute at Sonoma State, Ray Johnson. “Santa Rosa Junior College offers a great wine production program, and now students can easily add to that with wine business knowledge.”


New educational tool tracks students’ attendance

Kylie Lawrence, Staff Writer February 5, 2020

This semester, students at the University of Missouri are being monitored using an iBeacon tracking device, called Spotter. They are not alone; in fact, over 40 college campuses are currently using the tracking app to ensure attendance and safety in their classes, according to The Washington Post. With Spotter becoming an essential tool for many higher education instructors across the United States, Sonoma State may soon discuss implementing these practices on campus.

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