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The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star


Sonoma County Hillel celebrates Shabbat with SSU’s Jewish Community

Dana Scacco December 8, 2021

Sonoma County’s Hillel organization provides a community for Jewish students at Sonoma State, and this past Fri., Dec. 3, they hosted a Hanukkah Shabbat celebration in SSU’s Sonoma Valley Room. The event went from 6:30-8 p.m., and provided students with dinner, including homemade latkes, as well as games, music and a White Elephant gift exchange.


Global Engagement re-opens Study Abroad programs

Dana Scacco December 1, 2021

Through Global Engagement on campus, all Sonoma State students have the opportunity to study abroad in various different countries through SSU's Study Away Program. The Study Away webpage on the university’s website states that students who want to study away must consider how long they want to study abroad, what location they want to study in, and what major/minor they will study. Students should also consider their financing options, and if they want to learn a different language.


Associated Students looking to recruit members for Board of Directors

Dana Scacco November 17, 2021

Sonoma State’s student-led non-profit, Associated Students (AS), is looking for fellow Seawolves who are interested in running for AS’s Board of Directors. The AS Board of Directors are students that govern the entire program and serve as the ultimate voice for the SSU student body.


JUMP offers volunteer opportunities

Dana Scacco November 10, 2021

JUMP (Join Us Making Progress) is a program within SSU’s student-run Associated Students, where students are able to become involved with helping to provide for their local community. JUMP aims to provide community service opportunities for all students, giving them easy access to put their foot in the door for their community.


HUB Intern hosts free crochet event

Dana Scacco November 2, 2021

Sonoma State’s student cultural center, the HUB, hosted a one-hour beginner crochet session that was open to all students on Thursday, Oct. 28. Students used the session to relax, and were provided with free crochet materials, snacks, along with crochet video tutorials.


Associated Students host “Hallowingo” event for the spooky season

Dana Scacco October 27, 2021

On Tues., Oct. 19, Associated Student Productions hosted a "Hallowingo" event, which was a Halloween-themed bingo for all students. At the end of the night, all winners were awarded with cash prizes totaling $500 dollars.


Associated Students host “Paint and Sip” event for students to embrace creativity

Dana Scacco October 19, 2021

As part of Associated Student Productions’ October events, ASP hosted a free “Paint & Sip” night at Sonoma State’s Weyden & Brewsters on Oct. 14. Students were given art materials, free drinks, and snacks as they followed a fall themed art demo presented by SSU’s art department.


Sonoma State Alumni Association hosts Latinx Alumni Panel

Dana Scacco October 12, 2021

On Thurs., Oct. 7, the Sonoma State Alumni Association celebrated Latinx Heritage Month with a virtual Latinx Alumni Panel. Five SSU alumni honored their Latinx heritage and shared their personal backgrounds, educational journeys, and professional careers with students and faculty.


Neon Trees at the GMC Cancelled

Dana Scacco August 31, 2021

Sonoma State University announced that American rock band Neon Trees would be performing on campus at Weil Hall on Aug 19. A few days prior to the concert, the concert was cancelled due to insufficient ticket sales and COVID-19 risk factors.

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