Through Global Engagement on campus, all Sonoma State students have the opportunity to study abroad in various different countries through SSU’s Study Away Program. The Study Away webpage on the university’s website states that students who want to study away must consider how long they want to study abroad, what location they want to study in, and what major/minor they will study. Students should also consider their financing options, and if they want to learn a different language.
The programs available to students include: the short term program which is one to four weeks throughout SSU’s summer courses, the one semester mid length program through the National Student Exchange and the long term program which is two semesters through CSU International Programs. Each program has different benefits and any undergraduate student can participate in any combination of the programs for a total of two years.
Hope Ortiz, SSU’s Global Engagement Coordinator and International Admissions Specialist, gave her insight on some of the key steps to study abroad. Ortiz said, “The first step to studying away is to attend an information meeting, which right now is being offered virtually. Our website,, has all of the basic information students need, including the Information Meeting, program information, and info and resources on financing their study away experience. After that general meeting, I meet with students one-on-one to help them finalize their plans and get them started on the application process. Applications are due generally the semester prior to studying away and I work with students to help make sure they are submitting a competitive application.”
All three Study Away programs are available to all majors, and all courses offered count towards graduation. Students participating in any CSU International Program must be enrolled in at least 15 units and students choosing the National Student Exchange Program must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units. It is crucial that students meet with their advisors to approve the courses they will be taking while abroad and how they will count at SSU.
Anaïs Wilson, a fourth year Geography, Environmental Studies, and Planning student, shared the importance of meeting with advisors and researching the correct classes to study abroad by stating, “ you have to stay on top your work for the study abroad program and meet with your personal advisor to make sure that studying abroad makes sense for you in terms of your units and graduation time. One of the most important factors is researching what schools and programs have the classes that would correctly transfer over to your units here at SSU. You want to make sure that you’re getting credit for the classes you are taking.”
The Study Away webpage states that studying abroad is affordable and encourages students to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid for financial assistance. The webpage lists that there are lots of scholarships and grant opportunities for students to fund their education studying away. Wilson emphasized that, “students should take advantage to study abroad because it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel and experience a different country for about the same price as attending Sonoma State!”
Ortiz detailed the benefits to studying away, by expressing that, “research shows that studying abroad is one of the most beneficial and influential experiences a student can have in college. Studies have found that the benefits of studying abroad include growth in independence, open-mindedness, flexibility, adaptability, and cross-cultural understanding. All are skills that are valued by future employers, and study abroad alumni tend to get higher out of college faster and make more money than their non-study abroad peers. I’ve never had a student complete their study away experience and come back and say they wished they hadn’t gone, whereas I meet many people who say they regret not studying abroad when they were a student.”
Study Away has three language programs that students can participate in. The Advanced Language Program allows students that are proficient in another language to take courses in the host country’s language. The Learn Languages Program focuses on helping students learn another language through beginner and intermediate courses. Finally, the Study in English Program lets students take courses in English, while giving them the opportunity to learn the host country’s language on the side.
Joe Palaniuk, a fourth year Geography, Environment, and Planning student, studied abroad for one semester in Barcelona. He explained why he wanted to participate in the program and study in another country, by saying, “I always loved learning about different cultures and learning Spanish. I think learning a second language, especially Spanish, is really useful for any career and life in general. I saw studying abroad as the perfect way to travel and learn Spanish. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and live in a different country for an extended amount of time.”
Palaniuk described his experience applying for the semester abroad program and said that, “there was a lot of paperwork depending on which program you choose. I chose the one semester program which required me to do some extra steps through Boise State. Regardless, the faculty at the study abroad office and my Spanish advisor were very helpful!”
Palaniuk elaborated on why students should become involved by conveying, “we are lucky to have access to these study abroad opportunities. While it may be scary to live in a completely different country where you might not speak the language or know the culture, you will come back with amazing experiences and memories that you will remember for the rest of your life. I know my experience changed me for the better. I became a more confident person and I made some amazing friends.”
Ortiz urged students to try the Study Away Program by explaining, “all majors can study away, and I hope all students will at least consider studying away. It’s very affordable, oftentimes cheaper than staying at SSU, and students can use their financial aid. It’s important for students to enter the study away experience with an open mind, and by doing so they will have an amazing, rewarding experience.
COURTESY // Hope Ortiz
SSU’s Study Abroad programs through Global Engagement allows students to go in adventures while taking their classes in different countries.