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Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

Halloween gets scared by double digit costume sizes

Courtney Bagg, Staff Writer December 21, 2019

With Halloween coming to a close, costumes once filled the isles at stores for everyone-or so we think. Plus size costumes are not as stocked on shelves as some would prefer. The fashion industry is taking a hit; they have not been accommodating to the changing times American women are empowering.

Hazing takes another one; San Diego State had enough

Courtney Bagg, Staff Writer December 21, 2019

Greek life as a whole is a touchy subject. There are schools where Greek life thrives and sets a good name for the organizations on their campus. There are sororities and fraternities that truly do what is best for their community. However, the bad outweighs the good for all of Greek Life. It is deemed if one organization is bad, then all organizations are the same way. San Diego State is the most recent campus that has the spotlight on Greek Life, but not in a positive way.

Facebook Becoming Top Dog in Social Media

Courtney Bagg, Staff Writer December 21, 2019

Social media has become a huge feature in todays generation. Young adults, teens, and children are surrounded my technology whether it be their Apple products, or gaming consoles. Americans continue to grow with the new features social media provides year after year, and it would only make sense to have all information in one place.

Female politicians often sexualized and ridiculed while their male counterparts thrive

Courtney Bagg, Staff Writer December 21, 2019

Female figures in politics has been limited. It can be a lot harder for these women to make a precise name for themselves in a field of work they love, however, when there are female politicians, the spotlight is on them in a different way than their counterparts. As seen through politics over the years, male politicians get hit with multiple cases of affairs, assault, photos and texts being released, and yet they often stay in office. Most of the time these incidents won’t affect the men's time in office and they continue to serve their term. This is not the case when it comes to female politicians: and Katie Hill is a prime example.


What’s shakin’ Sonoma State: earthquake rattles the Bay Area

Courtney Bagg, Staff Writer October 23, 2019

October did not shy away from keeping Northern California on its toes. The power shutoff to many cities in Northern California shocked many residents when it happened so quickly. With no time to get acclimated back into routine after the shutoff, multiple earthquakes rattled the Bay Area. Starting on Oct., 14 at 10:33pm the first earthquake hit Pleasant Hill affecting many surrounding cities and rippling all the way up to Rohnert Park and parts of Santa Rosa.


1, 2, 3 too many football players hit just the wrong way during games

Courtney Bagg, Staff Writer October 15, 2019

Concussions have always been an issue during any football game, but with three separate players dropping to the ground, fans bring back the most daunting question the NFL continues to face each season: when is enough enough?


Lizzo’s body positive approach inspires fans

Courtney Bagg, Staff Writer October 7, 2019

Lizzo has made a name for herself in the last year topping the Billboard Charts as of Oct. 5 at number one for two weeks in a row. Known by her friends and family as Melissa Jefferson, she started her career back in 2013 when she released her first studio album Lizzobangers. 2017 arrived with her single “Truth Hurts” dropping but it wasn’t until 2019 when she released her third studio album Cuz I Love You featuring the now popular “Truth Hurts” that took everyone by storm.

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