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The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star


Loyalties lie with robots rather than people

Katie Haga, Staff Writer December 12, 2017

For decades, it has been assumed that by this time period we would have robots as functioning members of our society. Whether it be in books, television shows or films from the past, the 21st century has been designated as the time of technology. 


What’s next on the list: The dangers of big game hunting

Katie Haga, Staff Writer December 6, 2017

Many different species of animals are dropping at an alarming rate which means the endangered species list is rapidly growing. One of the thousands of animals on that list is elephants.


Drunk driving getting close to home

Katie Haga, Staff Writer November 14, 2017

The minute a friend leaves to go out for the night, it becomes routine to say, ‘“don’t drink and drive.” It’s almost like an instinct to remind them not to do anything dumb. Although we know, or at least hope, they wouldn’t be as stupid as to get behind the wheel after they’d been drinking – but unfortunately that’s not the case for some people. 


Release of JFK assassination files rekindles government conspiracies

Katie Haga, Staff Writer November 7, 2017

Nov. 22, 1963 — a day that ignited various conspiracy theories and has produced countless books, documentaries, articles, reports, websites and even Hollywood films. 

John F. Kennedy’s assassination is debatably one of the most tragic events our nation has ever seen, but has also become the holy grail for conspiracy theorists.


Birth control under attack by president

Katie Haga, Staff Writer October 31, 2017

“No uterus, no opinion,” said a frustrated Rachel Green in an episode of “Friends” as she expressed her annoyance toward Ross about his opinion on Braxton Hicks contractions. 


Hugh Hefner: the womanizer

Katie Haga, Staff Writer October 26, 2017

Halloween is right around the corner, which means you should expect to see women scantily clad and accessorizing with silk bowties, bunny ears and a cotton tail. For this extremely cliche costume we have none other than Hugh Hefner to thank – the man, the myth, the womanizer.


“Me Too” campaign sparks various emotions from survivors

Katie Haga, Staff Writer October 24, 2017

Imagine if we lived in a world where men owned up to their actions after they’ve raped someone or a world where the term ‘rape culture’ isn’t something we’re all painfully familiar with. Can you picture it? A world without rape? 


Allowing Saudi Arabian women to drive may be inauthentic

Katie Haga, Staff Writer October 3, 2017

Many believe that the black veil that covers the face of a Saudi woman defines oppression. After all, the niqab, according to their faith, is worn in public and in front of men who are not related to them, so the women don’t show off their beauty. Compared to other nations, women’s rights in Saudi Arabia are extremely limited.


Victory for same-sex parental rights in Arizona

Katie Haga, Staff Writer September 26, 2017

The Obama administration legalized gay marriage in the United States in 2015, arguably the biggest milestone to occur regarding same-sex couples in the U.S. Although our nation was not the first country to legalize gay marriage, following behind several other countries, it was still a big deal. Now comes another milestone for same-sex couples.


Brock Turner: the literal textbook definition of rape

Katie Haga, Staff Writer September 19, 2017

Remember the ex-Stanford all-star swimmer, Brock Turner? Many remember him by that title, but I remember him as a rapist who only got three months of jail time. The authors of “Introduction to Criminal Justice: System, Diversity, and Change Second Edition” want to make sure we brand Turner the title for the rest of his life.


Utah nurse unlawfully arrested

Katie Haga, Staff Writer September 11, 2017

Police officers have always been the people we turn to when we are in danger or in need of assistance, but over the years they have made a bad name for themselves.


The trouble with celebrity imitation

Katie Haga, Staff Writer September 4, 2017

Kardashian’s best attribute undoubtedly is her ability to make herself look foolish, but this time she has gone too far.

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