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Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star


Stay-at-home order lifted in Sonoma County

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer February 10, 2021

The California Department of Public Health announced on Jan. 25, that the state would be returning to the purple tier, where there is growing access to outdoor activities and business reopenings. With mixed opinions surrounding this decision, there are many perspectives to hear from at this state of the new county status.


School of Arts, Humanities to hold forums for open dean position

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer May 6, 2014

Candidates for the new dean of the School of Arts and Humanities will be on campus this week for interviews and presentations leading up to the selection to fill the permanent position. The five finalists are Kathleen McSharry, Risa Dickson, Thaine Stearns, Scott Paynton and Sachiko Matsunaga.


Psychology class hopes to implement Restorative Justice

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer April 29, 2014

A psychology course is spawning a wave of support for the implementation of Restorative Justice at Sonoma State University. 


Students encouraged to “Do One Thing Today”

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer April 22, 2014

Sonoma State University’s push to create a cleaner and greener campus community has a new face. The “Do One Thing Today” (DOTT) campaign is the newest endeavor to inform our community about the significant and various sustainability efforts happening across campus.

SCURF winners announced

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer April 15, 2014

Sonoma State’s Society and Cultural Undergraduate Research Forum (SCURF), which provides students with the opportunity to present their ongoing research in a professional setting, announced its winners for best podium presentation and best poster presentation last Wednesday. 


Gallino, George elected to lead Associated Students

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer April 8, 2014

The votes are in, and Associated Students has announced its new student officers for the 2014-15 year. Anthony Gallino was declared the new president and Christian George was named executive vice-president Thursday in the Student Center. Out of 8,668 students, 1,288 voted.

For path to self-discovery, click here

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer April 1, 2014

In a world of increasingly mass-distributed advertising, you would have to be living under a rock to not be bombarded by more than a few ads for personality quizzes online, in the newspapers and otherwise. 


True love: head or heart

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer March 11, 2014

Love: it might as well be the eighth wonder of the world with all its indescribable twists, turns, marvels and burns. Because of its pure potency, we like to think of love as being fully reliant upon grand, sweeping emotions – emotions which refuse to follow any type of reason or rationale.

Get it right: jean size is all in the genes

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer March 4, 2014

Obesity is clearly a widespread epidemic that affects millions of people across the globe. Unfortunately, our society has a tendency to avoid discussing the most prevalent and serious societal issues, offering up the righteous excuse that such topics are too “offensive” or “inappropriate.”

Dwindling diversity amongst Seawolves

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer February 26, 2014

Diversity. It seems slightly ludicrous that such a simple word possesses so much power, meaning and influence over an entire generation. But it does, and any institution in our current climate would be remiss to ignore the necessity of a multi-cultural population. Thus, it’s only natural for those of us attending Sonoma State to keep commenting on our level of diversity, or lack thereof.


What you make of it

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer February 18, 2014

It’s five minutes before a critical statistics exam and you’re freaking out. You’re absolutely positive that you’re going to fail. You’ve never done particularly well in math. In fact, it’s your self-proclaimed worst subject.


Beauty is in the eye of popular culture

Julia Chacko, Staff Writer February 11, 2014

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; chances are you’ve heard this saying more times than you can count. In fact, you were likely instilled with this nugget of conventional wisdom before you were old enough to have developed a sense of self. You might have even embraced this idiom as a personal motto in an effort to survive the agonizing torment that life can be. I know I’ve certainly been comforted by its powerful message more than a few times.

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