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The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star


Productive habits shape destiny

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor May 12, 2015

Each individual’s future is shaped through his or her habits, daily routines and behaviors. 

The positivity in failing

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor February 17, 2015

In the midst of life, failure is inevitable for each individual.  Through my own experiences and observations I have found that failure is the most beneficial experience in order to become successful.  I am also not here to say that failure is easy or isn’t painful because it is.

Breaking society’s norms

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor January 27, 2015

Recently, I put a new quote on my wall that I wake up to every morning saying “In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” This quote means more to me than is said on the surface.  I believe it’s my constant reminder that I do not need to conform to the social norms—live how everyone else is choosing—and that I have the power to make my own choices on how I want to live my life.


Petaluma celebrates history with Butter and Eggs

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor April 29, 2014

All lovers and supporters of Petaluma flocked to downtown Petaluma for the celebration of the Butter and Eggs parade and festival. Including Sonoma State students, reportedly more than 30,000 people walked the streets. 


Take Back the Night inspires courage

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor April 22, 2014

Silence is powerful.  Speaking up in the midst of silence is what brings a difference.


Student Spotlight: Cassie Faulding

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor April 15, 2014

The fusion of her passion for music, experience in radio and vibrant personality has paved this senior’s path beyond her college years.  


Phi Delta Theta triumphs in Greek Olympics

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor April 8, 2014

Fraternities competed to determine who has the ultimate sport technique through an annual weekend tournament called the Greek Olympics. 


Printmaking from San Diego to Seattle

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor April 1, 2014

The unique diversity produced by artists from San Diego to Seattle entices the audience with the unexpected. 


‘Vagina Monologues’ brings awareness

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor March 11, 2014

The struggle of the issues with gender has been brought into the spotlight. “The Vagina Monologues” enlightened Sonoma State students in a movement to end gender violence with an open mind that embraced the feminist ideal. 


Lobo’s gets raucous ‘After Dark’

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor March 4, 2014

Despite the pouring, gloomy rain, students still swarmed Lobo’s on Wednesday night for “Lobo’s After Dark,” a student open mic event unexpectedly filled with remarkable talent.


Lake Street Dive span several genres

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor February 26, 2014

Lake Street Dive brought back the 60s New Orleans vibe by taking the listener to a dive bar on Bourbon Street with their new album, “Bad Self Portraits,” released Feb. 18. Together, the band successfully infused Motown, rhythm and blues, gospel blues and a touch of British-invasion rock.


About ‘Last Night’

Alexis Mills, Opinion Editor February 18, 2014

“About Last Night” brings an audience the experience of lots of laughter, tears and smiles. Focusing on the phases of love and friendship from the bar to the bedroom, this racy romantic comedy takes the audience on a journey of two couples that are best friends. 

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