Finals can be extremely stressful for college students everywhere. Whether you have to write papers, take exams, or prepare and deliver presentations in your classes, this can be a lot of work all at once. Finals can be the final straw for many, only adding to the regular stress of college life. According to an article by the American Psychology Association, “About one-third of U.S. college students had difficulty functioning in the last 12 months due to depression, and almost half said they felt overwhelming anxiety in the last year, according to the 2013 National College Health Assessment.”
The addition of even more stress makes the end of the semester a college student’s worst nightmare.
Many students are enrolled in multiple classes, so having multiple assignments or exams at the same time can be extremely difficult to navigate. That is why it’s important to remind yourself to take some time to de-stress in whatever way works best for you.
Mental Health America states the best way to get through this stressful time is to make a timeline of all of your tests and assignments so you can plan accordingly, drink caffeine in moderation, maintain a healthy sleep pattern, make sure to take breaks while studying and limit your time on social media. These are good suggestions, but they may not work for everyone.
Students deal with stress in healthy ways, while some have trouble with it. The STAR went to the library to talk to students who are already preparing for finals week. They gave some helpful tips on what they do to de-stress during the end of the semester.
Jehiel Delgado
Senior, Criminal Justice
“I like to listen to music or anything that calms my mind down, it helps me relax.”
Lena Weingand
Freshman, Communications
“I like to exercise and play volleyball in between assignments, it helps take my mind off things!”
Joaquin Angelo
Junior, Business
“I like to take breaks and hangout with my friends, play some FIFA!”
Sorena Phonesy
Senior, Hutchins
“I like to drink a lot of tea and have snacks while studying. Taking breaks in between assignments helps too!”
Leonardo Gutierrez
Junior, Business
“I make sure to study earlier so I can get a lot of sleep.”
Riley Powers
Freshman, Political Science
“I’ll probably call my mom a lot, she gives me great advice and really helps me!”