Heading down to the basement of Ives Hall on a Friday at midnight may sound slightly odd, however, those who do are in for a treat.
Sonoma State University’s Improvaholics club hosts an improv show every other Friday, and the next show will be held on April 26 at midnight in Ives 101.
The show consists of the students from the club performing comedy sketches to other students, faculty, or anyone else that comes to the free show.
STAR // Kayla Allen
Sonoma State University’s Improve group, Improvaholics, during one of their Friday night meetings in Ives Hall.
Christian Jorgensen, president of the club, jokingly invites people to the show by asking, “You wanna come hang out in the asbestos filled basement at midnight? I swear we’re not a cult!”
The show is a great outlet for students who enjoy light hearted comedy as both the audience and actors. Those who go to the biweekly meetings have a chance at participating in the improv show.
Ailya Bacal Peterson, the current treasurer of the club, described the feeling of being on stage during a show as having, “a unique sort of adrenaline that goes along with getting on stage having no idea what you’re going to say or do, but knowing that those on stage with you will fully support whatever you do and vise versa.”
However, the main focus of Sonoma State’s Improvaholics is to teach the students different improv techniques, such as pantomiming, creating different characters, and thinking on their feet.
“The club is a combination of theatre sports, improvised scenes, and workshops to improve one’s skills.” Jorgensen said. “Overall, the club is a fun place to leave your worries for a two hour block and participate in some comedy improv.”
The relaxed atmosphere gives the members a welcoming space for testing out different comedic techniques, and the members are encouraged to always try something new on stage.
The Improvaholics club meets in Ives 34 every Wednesday from 7 – 9 p.m., then on Friday from 5 -7 p.m., with a show every other Friday. The club usually starts with a few group warm up games, goes to four people scenes, and then concludes with a final group activity.
Wednesdays are known as ‘Workshop Wednesdays’ where the main goal behind the games is to help create characters for improv, work on character voices, and more. During the sketches, the club president writes down notes on each of the participating members on what they did well on, and what they can improve on.
“I took Christian’s suggestions, and I’ve gotten better. I think I’m much more confident in myself, not just in my ability to be funny, but just in general like with social confidence.” said Megan Tripp, future treasurer of the club.
Friday meetings are less set on improving the members skills, and more of having fun after a long week. The club welcomes new members, however no outside experience is necessary. The members are very friendly with one another.
“The club encourages participation and cooperation so it was easy to bond with the other people in the club, and it makes you feel like a big family.” Freshman Sarah Williams said.
The family atmosphere in the club helps support the members in more than just the club, and creates life long friends.
The club currently has a facebook page, SSU Improvaholics, which posts the dates of upcoming shows as well as photos from the shows.