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Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

Yes on Prop 63 for a safer California

Naaman Hightower, Staff Writer September 28, 2016

Gun junkies might need a little more patience when trying to buy heavy artillery.

Too attractive to teach?

Naaman Hightower, Staff Writer September 28, 2016

Who says you can’t look good and be a teacher? We all remember that one “hot” teacher we had in middle school or high school.


Voters to make ethical call on death penalty

Naaman Hightower, Staff Writer September 13, 2016

For a minority of inmates in California prisons, Nov. 8 will be their own judgment day.


It’s abuse, no matter the sender

Naaman Hightower, Staff Writer September 7, 2016

According to a survey conducted by Knowledge Networks, 43 percent of college women report experiencing violent and abusive dating behaviors. The word “abuse” can sometimes get lost in translation.


Home court disadvantage

Naaman Hightower, Staff Writer August 29, 2016

Nearly a thousand people will have to find transportation to attend a home game for Sonoma State University basketball this season.


Minorities can’t even have their own internship

The United States is 77.35 percent white, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

For someone to believe being white classifies themselves as an underrepresented minority would be grossly inaccurate. Unless your name is Samantha Niemann.


CIA embarasses U.S. with “live Tweets”

Five years ago to the day, Navy Seal Team 6 completed a raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, leader of the terrorist group Al Qaeda. Finally, America can take a sigh of relief knowing that we will never be burdened by his name again. Think again.

A new age of voters cross party lines

The term millennial represents the newer generation, born between the early 1980’s to 2000. Being a younger generation, millennials often are thought of as representatives of new thoughts and new ideas. The “old school” way of thinking is almost non-existent to them. They represent change.


Bernie Sanders’ free tuition proposal to harm students’ work ethic

Naaman Hightower, Staff Writer April 26, 2016

Early in his presidential campaign, the Brooklyn born nominee announced his S. 1373 College for All act. Under this act, all public institutions of higher learning would be free for the public.


An outsider’s perspective on Greek life

Naaman Hightower, Staff Writer April 19, 2016

My first thoughts on Greek life consisted of “So basically, I’m paying to have friends?” The thought of huge groups of people wearing the same clothes with weird lettering on them? No thank you.


President Obama’s constitutional right

Naaman Hightower, Staff Writer March 2, 2016

“My job is to fulfill our constitutional duties,” said current President of the United States Barack Obama.  One would think that this statement is redundant; what else is the president supposed to do?


A day in the life of a student-athlete

Naaman Hightower, Staff Writer February 23, 2016

Not only does being a student athlete compound things when it comes to time management, but the student-teacher relationship is met with judgment, stereotypes and prejudice. You think your college experience has been tough? Step into the day in the life of a student-athlete.

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