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Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

Executive Order 1068 effects getting worse

Letters to the Editor April 27, 2015

Dear Editor,

CSU Executive Order 1068: A seemingly harmless document that when enforced as official California State University policy has brought nothing but despair, frustration and isolation to many venerated student organizations affiliated with its campuses.

Factual discrepancies about local theater company

Letters to the Editor April 21, 2015

Dear Editor,

After reading “The little cinema that could,” I believe Rialto Cinemas was inaccurately and wrongfully portrayed in the article. I will endeavor to briefly set the record straight.


A final say to a memorable Sonoma State President

Letters to the Editor April 14, 2015

Dear Editor,

The passing of former Sonoma State University President Peter Diamandopoulos will be noted by many of the retired faculty and staff. Few will have much good to say about his time at Sonoma. His reign was turbulent with him being censured three times by the faculty and finally forced to resign.

Education needs to educate better

Letters to the Editor March 10, 2015

Dear Editor,

Your Feb. 24 to March 2 edition included a Letter to the Editor from Mia James of Santa Rosa complaining of illiteracy in the STAR. Ironically, just a turn of the page brought one to the article entitled, “Recent study finds college freshman [sic] party less, study more,” which dramatically proved her point.


Yarnall known for police officer reputation

Letters to the Editor March 3, 2015

Dear Editor,

Jason Yarnall, featured in a recent student spotlight, was well known to a generation of Sonoma State students of the mid 2000s. 

Financial incentives for grades? Intrinsic motivations matter

Letters to the Editor February 24, 2015

Dear Editor,

Economics, perhaps more than any other discipline, is about studying how people respond to incentives.  Incentives are characterized as either extrinsic (financial rewards for good grades) or intrinsic (pride in a job well-done).

Editors need to edit better

Letters to the Editor February 24, 2015

Dear Editor,

I read the Sonoma State STAR edition of Feb. 10 to Feb. 16. I was surprised at the poor writing, misuse of words and high number of cringe-inducing phrases and sentences.

Old terminology creates demeaning interpretation

Letters to the Editor February 3, 2015

Dear Editor,

I was appalled to read in Sierra Smith’s article on Larry Wilmore’s new show, “...Wilmore highlights political issues in the point of view of colored individuals.”

To live another day

Letters to the Editor February 3, 2015

Dear Editor,

Dominic Dei Rossi, 25, passed on Jan. 19.  He was one of the bright lights in the theatre arts and dance department, where he acted and volunteered to assist in theatre arts productions, no matter what the size or whoever needed his assistance.

Professor encourages efficient parking practices

Letters to the Editor February 3, 2015

Dear Editor,

The page-one story in the STAR’s first 2015 issue about a free-transit deal for students suggests Sonoma State University is doing everything it can to promote the use of public transportation.

Suggested title: Fun news

Letters to the Editor November 18, 2014

Dear Editor,

I was amused to read some of your “News Around the World” in your Nov. 11 to 17 edition: Nearby Copeland Creek (nice that you consider events close to our campus to be part of world news), a “man was confronted by a suspect and asked for his wallet.”

Making room for spiritual expression

Letters to the Editor November 11, 2014

Dear Editor,

I attended a play on the Baha’i faith in college. My friend in a creative writing class was in the Baha’i club on campus. I wanted to be a good friend and learn about what she believed. After the play, we stood talking on opposites sides of a chair. I remember feeling that the chair was a barrier in our friendship.

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