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The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star


NAKland convinces children college is possible

Erika Peterson May 17, 2017

The men of Sonoma State’s Nu Alpha Kappa fraternity held their annual NAKland event on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. near Stevenson Hall.

It is a free children’s carnival with games, prizes and a variety of educational workshops aimed at elementary and middle school students. 

Nu Alpha Kappa said it is geared toward children from low-income families, was created around the idea for higher education. 


Campus clubs find support from General Club Advisor

Erika Peterson April 26, 2017

With almost 160 different active clubs on campus, it’s needless to say it takes plenty of effort, planning and commitment to make sure each organization runs efficiently. 

What many students may not realize is out of the 160 clubs on campus, more than half of them are considered general clubs. 


Campus club provides professional opportunity

Erika Peterson April 18, 2017

To be successful in the workforce today, it’s crucial for people to earn an education. For many, it seems almost impossible to be considered for any job without a college degree. 

According to statistics from CNBC, after college many students and their employers, feel that many students are not fully prepared for the real world and they possess many weaknesses. 


Women of color find support in campus club

Erika Peterson February 28, 2017

With over 100 different clubs on Sonoma State University’s campus, students are exposed to a variety of different choices and opportunities to get involved with an organization that best fits their needs and ideas. One relatively new club, on their second semester at Sonoma State, strives to work toward the support, education and dissemination of a collection of student's issues. The MALCS club, which stands for Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social or translates to Women Active in Letters and Social Change, hopes to create a safe space for their members where they can share their stories and experiences.


Sonoma State Surf Club makes waves

Erika Peterson February 28, 2017

When people thinks of surfing, they often think of Hawaii, Santa Cruz and Southern California. However, a new club at Sonoma State University is hoping to change that mindset. Sonoma State now has their very own Surf Club. Many may find it surprising, being that campus is in the middle of suburbs and vineyards, but believe it or not the Surf Clubs goes surfing nearby almost every weekend.


Evolving policy may welcome outside vendors

Erika Peterson February 22, 2017

While Sonoma State University has success in many aspects of student life, the lack of attendance at campus events can be extremely prevalent. While different clubs and organizations try their best to develop new ideas to promote student involvement, there seems to be one factor that never fails to boost attendance -- food.

Many clubs, organizations, students and faculty serve food at different events held on campus hoping to spark student interest. Not only can food be used to boost participation for public campus events, it can also help educate people on different cultures. Unfortunately the path to bring food on campus isn’t without hurdles.


Intramural sports provide students a competitive option

Erika Peterson February 15, 2017

While education should be the first priority for schools, other outlets for student activity and creativity are crucial for an enjoyable college experience. Sonoma State University gives students choices to be a part of competitive sports teams, at the collegiate level, club level or intramural level.

Intramural sports at Sonoma State, give students the opportunity to create their own sport teams and compete against other students in a variety of leagues. The competition allows students to further connect with the campus community.


Student expression highlighted at The HUB

Erika Peterson February 7, 2017

Stressful, demanding and lost. All three words in which can be correlated to different colleges around the world. 

No matter the location or reputation a college may have, it’s impossible to rid a community of its preconceived notions. The best action to take to help alleviate stress at a university, is to provide a safe space for students to express themselves. At Sonoma State University, The HUB does just that.

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