The Sonoma State Theatre Arts & Dance program reached new heights on September 6, when the performers in the upcoming play “Water by the Spoonful” did a live table reading of their on-stage roles, a first for this SSU program. With the play premiering October 21, the Theatre program wanted to promote and prepare for the event, as well as strengthen their bond as a team.
The play, written by Quiara Alegría Hudes, and directed by Marie Ramierez Downey, is based on a family that has struggled through substance abuse and dysfunctionality. When an Aunt that the main characters, Elliot and Yaz, looked up to passes away, the audience gains insight into the hardships that their family must face together, with their biggest supporter, someone they considered to be a mother, gone. Each character has their own setbacks and flaws they must deal with.
To put on a stage production, there are tasks that must be completed before the first premiere. Fourth-year acting student Ally Liberty is the Assistant Director for the play. Liberty helps Ramierez Downey coordinate the performance. “I’m really excited to see the set. The play takes place in real life as well as the cyber world. It’s going to be interesting to see how Marie and I can make [the play] come to life on stage.”
Armando Ramos is a fourth-year SSU acting major who began performing in high school. For the upcoming play, Ramos is playing the lead character named Elliot. Ramos stated one of the most difficult parts of performing is, “…Making sure emotions stay on the stage because they’ll get stuck with you. Next thing you know, you start to become the character, and that’s not always the right thing to do.” Ramos explained the process of preparing for the performance, requiring up to seven or eight weeks of rehearsal, and rehearsing lines for up to four hours each night.
When asked about the live table read, Ramos said, “This is the first time we get to see emotions fly… [by doing a live table read] we realize, ‘Yo, we’re actually doing this.’ It doesn’t really hit until you say the lines or you hear everyone else say the lines.”
Azucena Ferrusca Lopez, a fourth-year student at SSU, commented on participating in the reading, “The sense of community [and] the support is there, and it feels like a family. I’m excited [and] up for the challenge with the people I’m doing the play with.”
Ferrusca Lopez stars opposite Ramos as his cousin, Yaz. The character is faced with the challenge of living without their Aunt and filling her shoes within the family.
Ferrusca Lopez is new to the theatre scene, but has long had a connection to it, “Growing up watching telenovelas, I’ve always wanted to be on stage but I never had the time or opportunity to [until now].”
The play will be put on throughout the weekend of October 21, starting at 7:30pm each night, until October 23 (Sundays beginning at 2:00pm). Admission to the play will be $12 or free for any SSU student.
Actors participate in a live table read of ‘Water by the Spoonful’.