“When you have an hour break during the day, what is your favorite thing to do on campus and why?”
As a student, sometimes juggling everything that life throws at you can be challenging. Classwork on top of work, internships and other activities can be daunting. We wanted to know what students choose to do with their free time while on campus, what helps them during the week to relax and breathe and how they prefer to spend their time on campus.
From Charlie Brown’s to sitting at the ponds, there are many options for students who want to eat, socialize, relax or study. While many students are inclined to go home and take a nap when they get a chance, there are those that choose to stay on campus. When talking to different students, it became apparent that those that want to stay on campus enjoy it. Some do it to save gas or the headache of finding a parking spot. Others would rather be productive and get a jump on their next assignments or mingle with their friends. m
“My favorite thing to do on campus when I have a free hour is to go to the Rec Center with my friends and workout and play some volleyball.”
-Olivia Gergus, Freshman, Business Major
“Everyday I’ll go into the Rec Center and shoot some hoops. If I’m not doing that, I will take a nap in the bottom floor of the Student Center. When stuff is happening on campus, I like to go check it out.”
-Clayton Chatterley, Fifth Year, Geography Major
“I like going to Charlie Browns and getting a smoothie, they’re so good. Then sometimes I’ll head to the library and relax before class.”
-Dayonna Fulcher, Sophomore, Psychology Major
“I do different things depending on the week. I try to be efficient with the time and either see my advisor or meet with a professor if I have any questions.”
-Tanner Gunning, Senior, Communications Major
“I usually find a nice spot outside and lay there relaxing, listening to my music. I like doing that when I have time because it brings me comfort with everything going on and puts me at ease.”
-Jazlin Bautista, Senior, Art Major
“I like to sit outside of Lobos or W&B with some of my friends or I hit the library to get some work done.”
-Joe Heintz, Junior, Business Major