Coming into Fall 2021, no one would have ever guessed that wearing a mask and standing 6 feet apart from each other would be the “new normal”. Many schools gave their students the choice of attending classes remotely or in-person, but a lot of students at Sonoma State don’t have the option if they want to stay engaged with their classes. A college campus is one big hotspot for Covid-19, and with new positive cases everyday, the virus is spreading faster than ever.
Right when students were just becoming comfortable with virtual learning, universities decided it was time to open back up. While some students were eagerly anticipating getting back on campus, others were reluctant. With reopening schools, some students tend to forget, or choose not to, abide by the safety measures given by the school.
Sonoma State University has implemented safety precautions that they are enforcing to keep students safe, but there are still many concerns with COVID-19 still lingering around the campus. California State Universities announced on July 27 that, “They will require faculty, staff, and students who are accessing campus facilities at any university location to be immunized against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19” no later than September 30, except for those who have religious and medical exemptions. Everyday SSU students are required to take a daily wellness check in case any symptoms come up, and it is strictly at their discretion to answer those questions honestly. Many places on campus do not even check your status before entering the location. When it comes to wearing a mask, people mostly have it on during the big events, gym, cafeteria, and classrooms. Other than that, the wellness check and mask mandate has not been enforced enough.
This year is more different than ever, but it is up to all of us, the students, as a community to make it work and prevent the spread of COVID-19 around the campus. The STAR walked around campus to see if Seawolves had any concerns about SSU keeping everyone safe.
“I think that SSU is doing a good job with protocols, and having to do the COVID-19 survey/wellness screening every morning is a good measure.”
-Javier Hernandez, Junior, Communications major
“Yes, I trust the school’s precautions. I think that SSU is taking these protocols very seriously, and making sure the campus remains safe for all students.”
-Vanessa Whitmire, Freshman, Hutchins major
“I feel very comfortable with the precautions. I think the university is doing the best they can given how many students live on campus.”
-Hannah Tibbetts, Sophomore, Psychology major
“Yes, I do. I think it’s great that SSU is trying to give everyone the most normal school year possible while still dealing with the pandemic.”
-Rachel Rodrigues, Sophomore, Kinesiology major
“I think the university is doing all they can. Students are all adults, and they will make their own decisions, good or bad.”
-Ryan Ristine, Junior, Music Education major
“I have some concerns. The wellness screenings students are required to do in order to come onto campus aren’t checked daily.”
-Jocelyne Gerardo, Senior, Psychology major