Columnist Amanda Buth
Customers no longer need to stress. The struggle of calculating numbers after a food coma-worthy meal is no longer required at some restaurants.
In Portland, one restaurant in particular has eliminated tipping due to significant changes in the restaurant industry.
La Pigeon is one of many restaurants in Oregon that has continued with this experiment.
No longer accepting tips is a significant change for restaurants, however, it’s beneficial for both customers and workers.
Customers will have less to worry about while eating. They will no longer feel pressured about their generous or not so generous tip for their waiter’s service. One can enjoy their time at the restaurant rather than stressing ahead of time about future math calculations.
Finally, customers will never leave the restaurant with a guilty conscious.
It’s necessary for workers at restaurants to be compensated for their hard work.
Sometimes customers will leave a restaurant without any tip for the server, no matter the quality of service.
With eliminating the option for unequal contributions towards workers minimum wage payments, all staff members will be paid equally.
Some restaurants will include a percentage of the nights food and drink sales to their staff member’s base pay.
“The staff in our restaurants are well-trained, intelligent individuals and they are passionate,” Andy Fortang of Le Pigeon said in an interview with the Press Democrat. “It seems fair they be paid an award for that, instead of just leaving that to someone who may or may not leave a tip.”
Have you ever felt as a customer you were interviewing your server, analyzing their every move? With tipping off the table, there is no longer an award relationship between the customer and server. Everything’s laid out on the table from the very beginning.
As a staff member at a restaurant, there’s comfort in knowing how much you will earn after a long hard week.
With a dispersed pay for restaurant workers, everyone is gaining at the end of their shifts.
Servers and other employees have a life outside the restaurant business and what matters most for them is to be able to support their families.
Other restaurants are aware of this change and instead choose to compete rather than conform.
Unfortunately, servers see tipping as a reward for their excellent service and without this reward there is little reason for extra effort. Undoubtedly leading to lack of motivation from workers.
Positive feedback from guests have encouraged other restaurants from Brooklyn and Los Angeles to adopt this trend in order to improve their business.
“Everyone is looking at this because there are external issues that are pushing restaurants to look at their bottom line,” Scott Dolich of Park Kitchen said in an interview with the Press Democrat.
Whether you are looking for a serving job or a place to grab a bite, the no-tipping experiment will ultimately benefit your paycheck.
However, turning a page on what has been so called the ‘norm’ for American restaurants won’t be accepted easily.
In order for a restaurant to succeed without tips for its workers there needs to be additional benefits for employees.
Rewards could be based upon alcohol sales or most postive feedback recieved from customers.