The modern dating world has maybe changed forever with the impacts of COVID-19, but some experts say for the better. Dr. Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist and the chief science advisor at, who has studied relationships for 40 years says, “This pandemic has led to more conversations, on all of the dating sites actually, more meaningful conversations, more self-disclosure, more intimacy (and) less anxiety about sex and money.”
Since many bars and clubs are closed, people like Daniel Ahmadizadeh are getting creative. Ahmadizadeh’s new texting app, called Quarantine Together, is where “Users receive a text message at 6 p.m. each evening asking if they’ve washed their hands; if they reply “yes” they are matched with another user for a 30-minute private conversation.”
On Sunday, Michelle Obama tweeted, “you can’t Tinder your way into a long-term relationship” under a picture of her and President Barack Obama for their 28 year anniversary. The responses begged to differ, and many people posted pictures of their spouses they met off of Tinder.
Popular dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble have hit a milestone already during Covid-19. For example, Tinder recorded its highest single day of swiping along with Bumble acquiring 100 million users. Manny Fidel told the Business Insider, “Since the Coronavirus was deemed a pandemic, online dating has taken off. Messaging on Hinge increased 30%, and Tinder saw its biggest day ever on March 29, with over 3 billion swipes.”
Some new modifications include Tinder and Hinge now having a “date from home” feature, allowing two-way video chat when both parties have agreed. In March, users of Tinder received a popup message about safety precautions during the pandemic. The dating app, League, now has something called “League Live,” a live video speed dating platform.
With lockdown being the new norm, many people turn to online dating apps to find a romantic relationship. Having a relationship start from online dating can be healthy because it eliminates the fear of hookups or insecurities of physical appearances and focuses on common interests. Some downsides could be poor communication skills via the phone or possibly losing interest in one another.
Though, it may be a perfect time to join a dating app as these unprecedented times can help build strong relationships. As we live during such a disruptive and frightening time, it is a perfect way to share vulnerability, fears, be transparent, and share real feelings.
Now the question is, “How do we date during Covid-19?” The Washington Post has some advice for us as to date in new ways during Covid-19. They suggest that users be patient, make virtual dates unique, and have deep and direct conversations. By the sounds of it, dating during Covid-19 is more like courting and leaves out the pressure of sexual intimacy. If one has health risks, social distancing dates are always a possibility. CNBC spoke on how online dating reduces the logistics of going on dates. There is no pressure to figure out a location, dinner, or drinks, who’s going to split the bill, or what will happen after the date.
The circumstances of the virus have forever changed the dating world, and while some may think for the worse, others think it changed for the better. Evidence shows that users are getting deeper and most satisfying talk rather than shallow conversations during this time of fear.