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Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star


Biden plans to implement major change to combat the climate crisis

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer December 1, 2020

President-Elect Joe Biden is already talking of massive changes he plans to make in effort to combat the climate crisis once he takes office in January.


Sonoma County Sheriff upset with the passing of Measure P

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer November 17, 2020

The passing of Measure P allows for transparency between citizens and the police department, and the initiative would expand the Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach by providing more funding and authority. While Measure P gained immense support among activists and residents, it also received immense opposition from the Sonoma County Police Department, as well as the Sonoma County Farm Bureau.


App-based drivers in the clear as California votes to pass Proposition 22

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer November 11, 2020

Amidst the frenzy that was the United States election this year, states also had the opportunity to vote for propositions specific to their state. Oregon voted to decriminalize possession of hard drugs. New Jersey, South Dakota, Montana, and Arizona all voted to legalize marijuana, and California voted to pass Proposition 22.


Sonoma County high school students are failing due to mental health issues

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer November 5, 2020

Students across Sonoma County are all feeling the strain of the last 5 months of online school, along with the unpredictability that came with the Kincade and Glass fires. A recent study, published in the Press Democrat, found that nearly 4 in 10 high school students in Sonoma County have one or more failing grades and more than 7 in 10 say they feel deep anxiety about the future.


Trump panics as the election draws closer

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer October 27, 2020

Democrats and Republicans alike await the outcome of the election with flurried patience.


Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court nomination hearing updates

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer October 20, 2020

Amidst everything that is currently unfolding in the United States, American’s have also been keeping a close eye on the confirmation hearing for President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett.


New information surrounding ex-officers charged in George Floyd case

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer October 13, 2020

Nearly fives months after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, new updates surrounding his case have come to light regarding Derek Chauvin, the ex-officer who has been charged with Floyd’s murder.


California Proposition 25, replace cash bail with risk assessments referendum

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer October 12, 2020

Had the bail bond industry not called for a referendum on California legislature’s attempt to end the state’s cash bail system two years ago, California voters would not have to brush up on what Proposition 25 entails to criminal suspects today. However, the bail bond industry did, and the attempt to diminish the cash bail system has been on hold since, but voters this year have the opportunity to use their voice and vote for what they believe will be the best option. But what is Proposition 25?


Clock ticking for climate change

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer October 5, 2020

Earlier this week, artists Gan Golan and Andrew Boyed decided that they wanted to showcase just how damaging we as a society, as the Earth’s population, have been to the environment. They did this by displaying a large scale digital clock in Union Square in Manhattan, New York.


Mass hysterectomies reported at a Georgia immigration detention center

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer September 22, 2020

As if tensions and divides weren’t already at an all-time high in the United States, reports have surfaced mid-last week, Sept. 15, detailing even more questionable ongoings involving Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE. This time, in regards to high numbers of unwarranted hysterectomies performed on women in the Irwin County Detention Center in Georgia.


Weather modification for military gain

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer September 16, 2020

According to U.S. Air Force document A.F. 2025, “Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally.. It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes.” The ability to control and monopolize the weather? Sounds taboo, right? However, the U.S. military has a track record for wanting to achieve battlespace dominance.


Sustainable living: what does it mean and how?

Isabella Simoni, Staff Writer September 9, 2020

As a society, we must start being more conscientious consumers. Taking the extra step to see the kind of materials fashion brands use for their clothing and whether they package plastic-free is not a laborious task. Especially since sustainable fashion is on the rise (and the clothes are just as show-stopping). Countless new brands have become so incredibly creative with the clothes they produce, from making them out of recycled items or by using Earth-friendly materials completely.

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