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Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star


Restaurant Review: El Patio mexican food

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer May 12, 2015

There is a  wide selection of Mexican restaurants in Santa Rosa to choose from, but none stand out more than El Patio. Located on 4th St. and Stony Point Rd., El Patio offers exceptional service, authentic Mexican food and an environment where all customers feel welcome. 


Seawolf Scholar program recognizes foster student

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer May 5, 2015

According to Child Trends, 402,000 children spent time in U.S. foster care in 2013, for an average of more than two years. May is National Foster Care Month, a month dedicated to parents, family members, volunteers, mentors and other members of the foster care system.



Israel Defense Forces share their stories

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer April 28, 2015

About 30 individuals gathered at the Congregation Shomrei Torah in Santa Rosa on Thursday to hear stories from two Israeli soldiers, Korkit and Tsil, who spoke about their experiences while serving in the Israel Defense Forces. The lecture tour, which was sponsored by StandWithUs and co-sponsored by Hillel of Sonoma County, is taking the two soldiers through the entire north west.


Snowden scandal not so black and white

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer April 14, 2015

Some people refer to Edward Snowden as a traitor of the United States, but others refer to him as a patriot. In June 2013, Snowden released thousands of classified NSA documents to mainstream media, revealing the global surveillance programs run by the National Security Agency.


The reality of mandatory voting

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer April 7, 2015

Voter turnout has been on a steady decline since 1964, and according to the U.S. Election Project, the 2014 turnout was at a mere 36.6 percent. Although President Barack Obama didn’t directly propose the idea of mandatory voting, he did show support for a compulsory voting system.



Harsh justice system for minor charges

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer March 31, 2015

The United States justice system is known for cracking down hard on drug offenders. Many states have mandatory minimum sentences, and this forces judges to hand out harsh rulings even when they should show mercy.


Police to protect, not kill

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer March 10, 2015

Police brutality in the United States is out of control and something needs to be done.



Change of pace with marijuana legalization

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer March 3, 2015

Marijuana legalization is making tremendous strides in the United States and support for legalization is outpacing the opposition. 

North Carolina shooting shows media’s faults

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer February 24, 2015

Recently, a fatal shooting of three Muslim students occurred in Chapel Hill, N.C. and the case has sparked uproar around the world. 

Chancellor addresses campus issues in conference

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer February 17, 2015

The California State University system held a live web conference, where student journalists got to ask Chancellor Timothy P. White questions about issues that continue within the state university system.

Bike safety remains a priority

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer February 10, 2015

Recently, Sonoma State University has seen a couple of bicycle versus automobile related accidents, both of which have required the bicyclists to be transported to local medical facilities.

Chancellor proposes graduation plan

Aaron Walker, Staff Writer February 3, 2015

In his annual State of the CSU address, Chancellor Timothy White announced a Graduation Initiative 2025 intended to increase the amount of bachelor degrees earned in the CSU system. This initiative was created  in order to meet the state’s future workforce demand. This initiative aims to increase the six-year graduation rate from 46 percent to 60 percent and increase the amount of bachelor’s degrees earned by 100,000 in the next decade.

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