World-renowned hypnotist, Michael C. Anthony will be performing on campus, giving students a once in a lifetime experience to be put under his trance. Anthony is an award-winning hypnotist that has been on multiple television networks such as NBC and FOX.
Anthony’s world-class show will take place Tuesday night, Feb. 22. The show will be from 8-9 p.m. on the third floor of the Student Center in Ballroom A and will also be available through Zoom for those that aren’t able to attend in person. This event is deeply rooted in the history of SSU and has upheld a special place in the campus community.
“I remember one show about 10 years ago where a shy student challenged himself to get on stage and try to be hypnotized…He was the star of the show and he credits that show with starting his time at SSU off in such an amazing way,” said Mo Phillips, director of student involvement.
Anthony’s show consists of him mesmerizing the audience and getting them to do odd things while they are under his trance. One of his most famous tricks is causing the audience to fall asleep with a simple snap of his fingers. Anthony is considered one of the best at his craft and offers an unsurpassed experience that everyone should attend if they have the opportunity to do so.
“I’m happy to be attending this show because there haven’t been many in person events due to the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Spencer Pearmund, a third-year student at Sonoma State University. “I am also very excited because I have never been to a hypnotist show before and I can’t wait to experience everything that comes with it.”
Due to Sonoma County’s COVID-19 health order that prohibited large gatherings, many scheduled in-person events had to be postponed. This hypnotist show is one of the first big in-person events at Sonoma State since the return back to campus.
Second-year student, Nathan Khalili, said “I’m excited [to attend this event] because it gives me a chance to get out of my dorm and I get to spend time with my friends.”
“Hypnotized LIVE!” is part of Sonoma State’s LoboFest. LoboFest is considered to be a spirit week where students are encouraged to come together to attend events, forming a sense of community here at Sonoma State. A jam-packed week of fun activities is on its way and Michael C. Anthony’s live show is a part of the fun that Sonoma State is bringing to its students.
“Laughter is one of my favorite sounds and the hypnotists usually do a great job of entertaining, but really the students are the show,” said Phillips. “We could have him here three days in a row and the show would be different every day because it is about how the students on the stage are acting, interacting, and reacting to the suggestions that the hypnotist offers! It is safe and good fun.”