On Wednesday, Sept. 23, California Governor Gavin Newsom passed an executive order banning the sale of all new gas-powered cars by the year 2035. Used and pre-owned cars may continue on the market, but this push puts a timer on dealerships to begin phasing out gas for electric or hybrid vehicles. This order makes California the first state to commit to clean energy, but what does that mean?
On Twitter, Newsom laid down his facts, “Transportation is responsible for more than 50% of California’s greenhouse gas emissions. 80% of smog-forming pollution. And 95% of toxic diesel emissions.” The pollution from the massive population of California has contributed to this issue, the emissions from vehicles are the largest part of the problem that plagues us all. Newsom continued with his opinions on California’s current environmental state. “Our cars shouldn’t make wildfires worse — and create more days filled with smoky air. Cars shouldn’t melt glaciers or raise sea levels threatening our cherished beaches and coastlines.” These are fair points to why removing the sale of new gas-powered cars is reasonable.
Some may argue it is not reasonable for the state to get a new electric car in 2020 as it could cost an estimated $30,750, while a new gas-powered vehicle could cost $15,495, according to Edmonds.com, a car pricing website. At half the price, it makes sense that not every person could afford a $30,000 car. However, by 2035, the deadline to stop new gas-powered cars’ sales could change massively by forcing electric cars or hybrid vehicles to be the only new on markets cars. It could drop the price to a more reasonable level for people of all backgrounds. It could also help to push carpooling and help eliminate emissions made otherwise. There have been other criticisms to this executive order, stating that California already has electricity issues, so how could we reasonably produce enough power for homes, businesses, and vehicles. It is a valid concern, after this past summer for Sonoma County and the heat advisory power outages, it was proven we do not have enough power now.
The most significant push back so far has been seen by the Trump administration.
As this is a possible hit to the economy, the possibility of losing jobs must be accounted for as well, with it being more than likely some dealerships pull out of California to avoid the eco-friendly change. As Adam Bean, a writer for AP News reports, “White House spokesman Judd Deere said flatly: “President Trump won’t stand for it.” And Larry Kudlow, Trump’s economic adviser, labeled it a “very extreme” position that he doesn’t think other states will follow. Joe Biden’s campaign didn’t comment directly on Newsom’s plan. But spokesman Matt Hill said Biden believes electric vehicles can create “good-paying union jobs, dominate a fast-growing market worldwide, and meet the demands of the climate crisis.”
With fifteen other countries worldwide committing to clean energy, the United States has continued to be behind in our activism. As such, we are noticing an increase in natural disasters, most of which are weather-related. Global Warming has made Sonoma County a target of its abuses over the past four years, fires on top of fires ravish our homes.
With the change fifteen years away, this is only the beginning of the battle for the climate crisis and the ability to protect the environment.
To stop a massive market like the car and fossil fuel industry is daring for the California governor.
For the sake of the planet, fresh air, and protection of California homes, something needs to be done, and if this is the first step, it must be supported.
With luck to the future, we all wait with bated breath for the change we all need to be passed.