The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

The Student News Site of Sonoma State University

Sonoma State Star

Intramural activities provide a sense of community through sports

Jason Hill

Courtesy of the Recreation Center at Sonoma State, the intramural sports program offers one of the most intimate opportunities for students to come together and work as a team with a variety of different sports to choose from. Any student enrolled at SSU is eligible to participate.

Ranging from basketball to flag football, there are  many sports leagues offered through the intramural sports program. 

“Intramural is a fun and less competitive way to play sports you love, new sports, or even just a neutral way to meet new people and make friends,” said third-year nursing major and intramural assistant supervisor Visa Hughston.“Including basketball, dodgeball, volleyball, flag football and indoor soccer, intramural is gaining more and more popularity which, in turn, gets us more participation with sports whether it be one-day events or our season sports” Hugston said.

The benefits students can receive from participating in intramural sports at SSU include being a part of a team, along with exercising and bonding with other students in a healthy way. 

When asked about how intramural sports can positively impact students’ experience on campus, third-year electrical engineering major and intramural referee Nino Balistreri said, “Whether it’s playing or just supporting, everyone has the chance to meet new people and spend time at the recreation center. I always suggest people come by to check it out because it’s always a good time.”

Intramural sports enable students to step out of their comfort zone in a judgment-free environment by competing alongside their peers playing sports of their interests. 

While the one-day sports gives students the platform to participate in a pickup-style contest, the season-long sports allow students to create teams and compete in tournament-oriented competitions. 

Following the conclusion of the intramural basketball tournament, fourth-year student communications major and captain of the first place basketball team Jason Hill said, “Intramural sports became a great outlet to compete in a fun environment. This environment was really special because my [basketball] team won the league championship and we were able to bond as a team while making memories I’ll forever cherish.”

For students looking to become more involved with on campus activities, SSU’s  intramural sports program is eligible for sign-ups year round.

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About the Contributors
Wyatt Redding
Wyatt Redding, Staff Writer
Wyatt Redding is a third year communication major at Sonoma State.
Jason Hill
Jason Hill, Staff Writer
Jason Hill is a third year communication major at Sonoma State.
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