Once upon a time there was a wolf, and he was hungry. But this hunger wasn’t like any old hunger—oh no. Unlike most appetites, this one only grew the more it was fed. It was a craving, you see. An addiction. And by the time the wolf found what delicacy surrounded him, he took to gluttony and consumed it all. Gobbled it up just like that. All gone.
Once upon a time there was a wolf, and he had his own Netflix show. His name was Pablo Escobar, the show is called “Narcos” and recently aired its second season. It’s about cocaine. A lot of it.
For what it’s worth, no, the show isn’t entirely about cocaine, but it’s the main ingredient. Followed by two-parts cash, one-part death, and just a dash of Colombian corruption. A recipe so good, you want to put your finger in the batter. But don’t, because you’ll be addicted. Trust me on this one.
Starting almost immediately where the first one left off, the second season of “Narcos” hits the ground running. Whereas the first season took its time establishing the characters and setting of the show—getting those ingredients together—the second season has had full reign to take advantage of the pacing the first batch of episodes preheated before its Sept. 2premiere. And boy, does it. At least, for the first two episodes.
Returning viewers will be relieved to see all their beloved characters back in action within the first few minutes. As always, Wagner Moura steals the show with his portrayal of the unexpectedly grounded drug warlord—the wolf—Pablo Escobar. The first season, and this is weird to say, got us comfortable with the guy. The show did a magnificent job humanizing this cocaine peddling, Spanish speaking murderer and at moments the viewer could even find themselves feeling bad for him. Sympathizing with the Wolf.
But now there’s no holding back. Like the climax of the last season , this season doesn’t restrain the broken warlord. But most dangerously of all, keeps Escobar’s characterintact enough to where he may violently pursue his goal to control Columbia with an iron fist and a clever head. And that’s what “Narcos” does best. The show doesn’t sell its characters short, or at any point make their performances less palpable for the sake of the plot.
In addition, this is one of the rare shows where everybody already knows the ending. The show follows history, and at times that’s the most unsettling part. But that doesn’t spoil the experience. Knowing the demise of the main character doesn’t take away from the tangibility and weight the decisions and outcomes the characters deal with—that the viewers deal with. Even though they know what the ending is, there is enough mystery and well thought out implementation that the ride to the end is worth it.