The series finale of Emmy awarding winning TV series “Breaking Bad,” by creator Vince Gilligan, left die-hard fans hankering for more of his ingenious screenwriting and fan-favorite characters.
Gilligan’s newest TV series, “Better Call Saul,” elucidates the story of how struggling lawyer Jimmy McGill, played by Bob Odenkirk, transforms into sleazy yet successful “criminal lawyer” known as Saul Goodman that fans have known and loved in “Breaking Bad.”
Why is Gilligan’s work so highly regarded by critics and desired by viewers? Because he is a master at disposing his characters into unfathomable situations and then somehow engineering an imaginative way for them to overcome their predicaments.
In addition, Gilligan has a knack for integrating comedic relief throughout each episode and even during tense situations in an uncanny way.
The synthesis of these factors makes viewing the episodes he creates an absolute pleasure to watch because they are suspenseful, unpredictable, exciting and tense.
This rattles the minds of his viewers but leaves then satisfied and desiring more.
The series premiere episode, titled “Uno,” began with a literal sweet treat for former “Breaking Bad” fans.
The rest of the episode proceeded to manifest the life of Jimmy, while ramping up to a major jaw-dropping climax at the end.
Luckily, the second episode was part of a two-night season premiere, which helped to assuage the eager suspense and curiosity of viewers. Episode two, titled “Mijo,” abruptly picked up right where episode one left off.
The first 30 minutes contained classical heart-pounding Gilligan writing.
The rest of the episode allowed fans to recover from the emotional beginning, but ended with a scene that will probably initiate the reaction that turns Jimmy into Saul.
“Better Call Saul” is a real treat for “Breaking Bad” fans, however it can also be viewed as a stand-alone show.
This will allow new viewers to get a taste of the masterful and genius mind of Gilligan.
“Better Call Saul” opened strong with a total of 6.9 million viewers and received the honor for highest debut ratings for a cable series.
The show’s strong debut can also be partially accredited to “The Walking Dead,” which aired before and generated 15.6 million viewers.
“Better Call Saul” promises to be just as ingenious as “Breaking Bad.” Fans can be assured of this because they are in the familiar and proven hands of Gilligan.
In addition, this show promises to have featured cameos of some of “Breaking Bad’s” finest and most beloved characters.
“Better Call Saul” airs on Mondays at 10 p.m. PST on AMC.