Many countries around the world have considered the option of pulling out of the Winter 2022 Beijing Olympics over concerns about human rights violations and the repression and genocide of ethnic Uyghur Muslims in the Chinese province of Xinjiang. Amid these atrocious human rights abuse, China is trying to strong-arm the United States into competing despite all concerns.
An article from the Washington Times stated that “Chinese officials warned that a U.S. boycott will be met with wrath not only from the Chinese government, but also the Chinese people. Major U.S. companies and American economic interests would suffer as well,” Beijing officials said. The Biden administration has declined to speak on their current stance in relation to the 2022 Winter Olympics. White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said, “We have not discussed, and are not discussing, any joint boycott with allies and partners.”
After the Chinese Communist Party has seized Hong Kong and diminished its two-party one system rule, taking Hong Kong politically and establishing its rubber stamp politicians as well as escalating aggressions in the Indo-Pacific, there seems to be no end to China’s lust for power. Florida Rep. Mike Waltz, according to Newsweek, has said he does not believe the United States in good conscience should participate in the quadrennial Olympics hosted by a “brutal dictatorship” which is following British politicians supporting a boycott of Beijing in the 2022 Olympics.
There are some other options–the Olympic Games could be moved and hosted by a different country. The cost of the Olympics is a huge factor since it costs approximately $11.1 billion to host it would be a massive undertaking to move it so soon to the event. A report by the conservative American Enterprise Institute states, “Make no mistake, every country that sends a team to Beijing will be complicit in China’s worst abuses.” Every participant in the Olympics around the world should find a new venue other than Beijing or boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics. Genocide and ethnic cleansings are unacceptable, by participating it condones these actions.
Considering the United States and its historically neutral standpoint until aggressed upon, there needs to be some recourse for the actions China has taken. A lack of transparency with COVID-19 along with threats and continual abandonment of the international order, rule of law, as well as its fear tactics and economic infiltration. The agenda has gone far past trade, the Chinese Communist Party has flouted in its stance.
The United States and its allies should participate in the 2022 Olympic Games, but only if they are held in another location. Perhaps the Games could be held in the USA, Europe, Australia, South, or Central America. There are many places in the world to hold the Olympic Games, that is if the host wants to foot the bill.
If the United States were to boycott the Games, there stands a tricky ultimatum. According to CNBC and Eurasia Group analysts states, “If a company does not boycott the games, it risks reputational damage with Western consumers. But if it does, it risks being shut out of the Chinese market.” So then what is more important to these companies–holding onto their reputation in the West or holding onto the Chinese market? The answer will come in time. Until the Games begin, the waiting game has begun, and onlookers will have to choose what is right in their eyes and make a decision if the Winter 2022 Olympic Games are held in Beijing. Only time will tell if people will be complicit in viewing the Beijing Olympic Games, or if people will simply flip the channel and tune out.