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It’s important to take a night off and laugh every once in awhile.
At Sally Tomatoes venue on Saturday night, a small crowd gathered for drinks and comic relief to see the Party Animal Comedy Tour. The tour consists of a collection of local and non-local comics headlining for the world famous comedy rock duo, the Beach Bum Alcoholics.
The tour was completely put together by the lead singer of the BBA, Mikey G. The line-up featured comics Lucia Carol Tuman, Jefferson Mars, Tommy Broome, Hamburger and Mean Dave.
Before the show, a couple of the members of BBA spoke with the STAR. Mikey G and Nightrider from the BBA described their music as a “party-style Tenacious D” describing their lead singer Mikey G as a “sex machine—the James Brown of comedy.” This was their second show in their Party Animal Comedy Tour, with 18 other shows locked-in for September and even more shows planned in the months to follow.
The first comic to perform was Lucia Carol Tuman, a girl from Chicago that kept it real about life stuff without any filter. Her accent and sass were easily lovable, as she did jokes mainly revolving around being a Chicago girl, single life and admitting to being a stoner and a bum. Her honesty was brilliant, bold and of course, comical.
“I’m kind of a bum, but I’m always in denial about it though, because bum has such a negative connotation,” Tuman said, talking to the crowd about herself in first person and by name. “Lucia you’re not a bum, just because you live on a couch and make majority of your income trimming weed for people who pay you in weed.”
She had no shame in her bit, and you could tell that most of what she was saying was truth rather than fiction to please the crowd, which gave her stand-up routine both credibility and respect.
The second comedian to perform was Jefferson Mars, a tall guy in a brown blazer who did bits on divorce, nerds and sex. His sexual jokes were tasteful and very matter-of-fact, which was what made them hilarious. After saying something raunchy referring to boobs or herpes in a straight-forward fashion, he trailed off with a slight put-down toward himself saying, “So I’m single…” that fit perfectly after an awkward silence when his jokes were too much for the older crowd to handle.
Comedian Broome came on third, a bit heavier than the other comedians he entered the stage by jumping onto it with all his might, energy and enthusiasm.
“Rohnert Park what’s up, how you all doin’ tonight?” Broome said. “I’m a little out of breath because if you guys didn’t notice I just did something hella athletic.”
His jokes were based off heckling the audience, going from table to table trying to pick up women and poke fun at everyone. There was one audience member in particular he favorited that referred to himself as “Lar-Dog” (who was obviously much more drunk than the rest of the audience).
Broome and Lar-Dog went back and forth several times throughout his bit, commenting every time he over-clapped or ripping on his name for sounding “rape-y.”
Broome’s bits were down to earth and hilarious, as he talked about failing his drug test to work at Wal-Mart, being a stoner and going to reggae concerts and the countless things you can find on the Internet that are both awesome and stupid at the same time.
Just like the other comedians before him, he had a no-filter realness about him.
“I could get lost for hours reading about stupid shit on the Internet,” said Broome. “There’s the LFL, which is the Lingerie Football League. They take really hot women, dress them up in skimpy lingerie and unsafe padding, and then they go play football horribly. I know what everyone here is thinking, wait wait wait, so you mean to tell me that I can drink beer, watch sports and masturbate?”
A comedian by the name of Hamburger came on fourth, following Broome with sexual single jokes, dildo jokes, and stoner jokes. Much of his bit seemed to go over people’s heads, which was a disappointment for the few who understood his clever word play.
“My dick is like pi,” Hamburger said, “it goes on forever and yet it’s still only three inches.” When barely anyone laughed he joked again at both himself and the crowd, “Oh boy… that was a math joke” causing people who didn’t grasp it the first time to feel stupid and laugh at themselves.
Mean Dave was the fifth and final comedian before the Beach Bum Alcoholics, and just as Broome did, he took pride in heckling himself, his fellow comedian buddies and the crowd. He poked fun at Sally Tomatoes for being “a venue in the middle of f****ing nowhere.”
He tried getting grumpy women at the bar to smile and when they weren’t having it he moved to “Lar-Dog” who was always down for a cruel heckle. Dave’s jokes revolved mostly around making fun of his own appearance, being a former drug and alcohol addict who’s now in recovery, and referring to himself as a “grammar Nazi.”
If a joke wasn’t popular, he’d counteract the awkward energy by coming back with a line like, “I don’t always do these jokes for the laughs. Sometimes I do it for the peace and quiet.” His profanity was loud and mean just as his name Mean Dave entailed, closing with a big smile on his face, “My name’s Mean Dave, f*** off.”
Finally the headliner, the Beach Bum Alcoholics, came on to perform a musical comedy show that featured a mixture of all original pieces and some covered mash-ups. Mikey G and Nightrider put on their shades and started off with a song called “Don’t Touch My Butt” that had some of the crowd laughing and some of them shaking their heads.
Their songs were on sex, drugs and being completely and hilariously inappropriate. Some titles were, “Good Weed In CA” “C*nt-Tree” and “Mother F***ers.”
In the end, they closed out with a mash-up featuring songs by several popular artists such as Usher, Ludacris, Nelly and Snoop Dogg. The whole show ended in great energy as the band closed out and all the comedians came to the stage for a final bow. The audience clapped out of respect even though many of them were either angry at themselves for bringing their kids or just downright confused by the wild ride they had just dedicated their night to.
Overall this show truly was a “Party Animal Tour” as the name implied, and unless one have a dry sense of humor, bring young children, or are too old to laugh at immature crudeness, it was one hell of a time.
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