The Alexander Valley Film Festival will be going virtual this September. The festival is celebrating their sixth consecutive year as a much-anticipated event across the Sonoma County community. Students, families and friends can once again witness thought-provoking and socially conscious films created by some of the most talented and diverse filmmakers of our era. The 2020 festival will take place online on Sept. 23 through 27.
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The festival is set to premier 12 feature films as well as 10 short films. The event will also host various live question and answer panels where you can talk and ask questions to some of the talented artists. Individual ticket cost $15. These tickets allow attendees to view one film at a time. Several of the films have a question and answer panel attached so make sure to keep an eye out for those, as anyone can view and participate in these. These tickets can be perfect for a community member that is not quite ready to commit to a pass yet.
The Alexander Valley Film Festival highly recommends patrons to purchase one of two different passes. The Alexander Valley Film Festival Film Lover pass costs $75. This pass allows access to all of the films being presented at the festival. This includes: feature films, all shorts and student work. This pass is perfect for movie lovers who only want to see some of the best independent films all day. Film enthusiasts can also purchase the Alexander Valley Film Festival All-Access pass at the price of $125. This pass includes total access to every film as well as, every one of the dynamite panels, question and answer segments, lobby talks, and community discussions that the festival has lined up.
Any of the passes can be used by an entire household. Sonoma County high school students are eligible to get in for free. Passholders will receive an email in their inbox once a state-of-the-art screening portal opens up. One login provides viewers access to all of the films which they can watch on their computers or television.
Opening night starts on Wed. at 9 a.m. where the audience can view the first film on schedule, “RIFIFI.” All the other movies will be available on the following day, also at 9 a.m. and remain available until the portal closes at 10 p.m. that Sunday.
The Alexander Valley Film Festival will also be partnering with some local food restaurants to provide pick up dinners on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday evenings. Perfectly curated meals by some of the local fine dining establishments around Sonoma county set to provide the ideal complement to a weekend full of indulging in film.
The Alexander Film Festival will continue to bring to the Sonoma County community some of the best indie films that represent socially conscious ideas, with diverse characters and identities. The films will also include works from directors of color, “Latinx,” LGBTQ+ and females. The coveted film festival will use the newest technology to allow Sonoma County community members to meet and engage, and learn from the upcoming artists of tomorrow, as they have been for the last six years.
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