In order to have a memorable experience at Sonoma State, the first step is to get out of comfort zone and try something different.
“I wish I would’ve been more outgoing and put myself out there as a freshman,” said senior Taylor Culley.
Freshman year only happens once even though you have many years to go, it is that pivotal point in college where the most memories seem to be collected.
To understand why, one has to account for all the new experiences a person gains as a freshman. Everything is new for instance; a new home, friends, environment, school, food and daily routines.
“I really loved meeting so many new people. Going through recruitment was a great experience because I met so many great women who helped me grow, but also hanging out with the people in my Arts Freshmen Interest Group (FIG) was really great,” said sophomore Sidney Fellows. “They lived in the same village as me so we basically all lived together which was a lot of fun.”
The friends you make during freshman year will play a huge part in your experience here at Sonoma.
“Favorite memories were meeting some amazing people that I can call my life long friends,” said junior Michael McEntee. “Being able to dress up as Jackie Moon for Freaky Tales and breaking into my suite mates room to move around all his furniture for April fools, there is nothing I wish to change accept that my team won intermural basketball championship.”
Everyone that is a part of the Sonoma state community will factor into your experience, which may not make sense at this moment.
Looking at it right now it may seem like meeting people your age is important but it’s the entire community that influences into this experience.
“My favorite part of freshman year was getting involved with Sonoma State community and meeting so many new people from across the state,” said junior Sam Wise.
Enjoy living in the freshman dorms while it lasts.
“Late night runs to Ameci’s for seawolf sundaes and running back to my dorm to watch cheesy lifetime movies with my roommates is what I miss the most,” said junior Kate Wilson.
Just remember there is support everywhere on campus.
If you are struggling with writing go to the writing center on the first floor of the library they are always very helpful.
If you need help with math go to Salazar they will help you as well.
“Do well in school but also have fun. Get involved on campus and meet new people. Learn how to balance your time because college only happens once in your life,” said junior Samantha Fong.
The big question a lot of freshmen ask is what is there to do. There are many options; they just involve a car for transportation.
There is Bodega Bay, which the best time to go is October because it isn’t as foggy.
When it is a scorching hot day get a group to go to the river, but stop at 7-Eleven and pick up some floaties and slurpees.
On Tuesday nights go to El Torito for Taco Tuesday where they have one dollar tacos, perfect for the college student budget.
Check out Scandia where there is mini golf, batting cages and a lot of video games which you can win prizes.
When it gets close to Christmas time, check out the beautiful lights on Cierlo Circle here in Rohnert Park.
Starting college is no cakewalk.
For some people it can be a breeze because they’re excited to be away from home, but for others it can be a scary experience.
The main factor of freshman year is making the most of it.
People say to get involved all the time, which by now it is probably engraved in your head, but it is true.
Find a club that you really enjoy, go Greek, take part in leadership on campus and play intramurals.
The beauty of it is, if you can’t decide what to do, join them all.
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