Imagine sitting down in a theater watching a group of performers use chainsaws and buckets to craft music like one has never heard before. On Feb. 27, that performance no longer has to sit in one’s imagination. As part of Sonoma State’s week long event Late Nights with Lobo, the professional junk rock music group Recycled Percussion makes their way into the Person Theatre.
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Recycled Percussion is no small time local band. The group was formed back in 1995, but made a name for themselves in 2009 on the show “America’s Got Talent.”
From just their description and pedigree it seems this is an on-campus event to remember.
“High energy, really engaging show. I’m really excited about them coming back,” said Mo Phillips, associate director of Student Development.
Roughly 10 years ago before their big break, Recycled Percussion performed in the Cooperage.
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“It offers something for a different group of students,” said Phillips.
This is an event that may have the attention of most students on campus, as it has the potential to be grand and enticing.
“I’m glad to see we are getting more entertaining events around,” said business student Johns Phillips. “It will sure pull in a younger audience than a symphony.”
This event is only a small taste of what this Sonoma State University Spirit Week has to offer.
Late Nights with Lobo kicks off on Friday through Feb. 27 and contains a wide variety of different events. The week kicks off at the basketball games against Chico State with another call to Pack The Den.
The late nights continue at 9 p.m. on Saturday as students pile into the Recreation Center, Student Center and the Seawolf Plaza for Lobo’s Late Nite Kickoff Party. The event includes DJs, crafts, giveaways and more, but the main attraction will be on Saturday with hypnotist Paul Ramsey. On Sunday things get even crazier with Mad Chad: The Amazing Chainsaw Juggler at 9 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom.
Then on Monday and Feb. 24 the student body invades Scandia for free mini-golf, rides and arcade games with a valid Seawolf ID card. Tuesday also has a double feature as the Gospel Extravaganza begins with Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir in Weill Hall. The night of Feb. 25 gets a little more creative as the Student Center ballrooms are converted into art studios for the Late Night Art Experience. The event-filled week all ends with the aforementioned Recycled Percussion show.
“These Spirit Weeks are about community, tradition and trying to bring these events on a grander level, and trying to bring events that will give students a shared experience,” said Mo Phillips. “We want them to have an experience where they’re like, ‘Oh my god do you remember when we were at that show and this happened?’”
Seawolf Living appears to be trying to go all out with this semester’s Spirit Week, and Recycle Percussion will conclude an eventful week. Recycle Percussion’s show is on Feb. 27 in the Person Theatre, where seats are first come, first served.
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