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Most college students’ No. 1 goal after getting their degree is to get a job. But like most things in life, that’s immensely easier than it sounds.
This year Sonoma State University is planning to make the transition into the job world easier for graduating students with the 2015 Career Fair brought to campus by Career Services.
This year’s fair promises to be even bigger with a wide variety of 115 different employers all looking for the next generation of employees.
“My goal is to bring opportunities to students,” said Career Services Adviser Ann Mansfield. “This is an opportunity to connect and see a more diverse group of employers.”
This Career Fair is not just about instant employment or for this year’s college graduates.
“It’s great practice even if you aren’t graduating this year,” said Mansfield.
This Fair can be used as a way to learn the tools to become a successful interviewer in the competitive job market.
With so many different types of companies in attendance, finding out what they’re looking for in future employees can now be done all in one place. It’s quite a sight to have more than 100 different employers in one location.
The 2015 Career Fair’s’ main goal is to offer students with an overabundance of new opportunities.
“I’m excited to walk around and see all of the exciting opportunities at the fair,” said theater major Ashlyn Kelley.
Whether an art major or hopeful future government official, the mass accumulation of different employers will offer a bit for every type of student.
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According to the event’s online list of businesses, there is a wide variety of companies that range from Bear Republic, the FBI, Duckhorn Wine Company and even the Sacramento Kings. To check out the other 111 businesses, go sonoma.edu/career/student_services/fairs/. With so many companies looking for employees, this is an important event for graduating seniors.
It’s not just preparing students for the next year, but for those to come.
“It is a chance to see what is out there, to get your personal brand out there,” said senior business major Jen Boldizar.
This year’s Career Fair really focuses on the students and how a student can learn the tools to success while navigating the business world.
Another new addition is adding more progressive companies like Craft Breweries, while still trying to hold on to traditional companies like the San Francisco Police Department.
“My goal is to bring together the most robust group of employers,” said Mansfield. Her goal is becoming a reality as no group of students will be left out of the Career Fair.
As a student, this opportunity should not be overlooked. It can be used as practice, preparation or the beginning of life after college. Perhaps the best thing a student can do is to test the waters of this Career Fair and slowly discover how the business world works.
“What I can say is be prepared,” said Mansfield. “research companies and be able to articulate long-term goals and talk to as many companies as you possibly can.”
This advice is really the secret to this year’s Career Fair. Marketing one’s self is something rarely obtainable during the average day. Students are given the chance to market themselves come Wednesday, Feb. 25 in the Student Center, from at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
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