Sonoma State University Student Center and Recreation Center opened their doors with games, food, crafts and more for students to enjoy.Students entered each building with options on every floor. Starting on the first floor of the Student Center, there was karaoke, free food and a balloon drop for students to win NomaNation gifts or gift cards to local places.Students who participated in the balloon drop ran to each balloon and popped it to see if they were a grand prize winner. Those lucky enough to win, redeemed their tickets for a gift card of their choosing.“I loved the balloon drop, everyone was popping every balloon they could find to win a prize, and I was able to win a starbucks gift card,” said junior Megan Carvahlo.On the second floor of the Student Center students had more options of things to do. There was sugar candy making, along with free NomaNation gifts such as phone chargers, keychains and license plate frames.The Student Center Valley Rooms each had different crafts for students to participate in, such as plant making and decorating. The HUB was also filled with backdrops and photo booths for the perfect photo opportunity. There was also free popcorn right outside of the hub, along with the caricature artists that had a lengthy line all night long.On the third floor of the Student Center, there was a live trivia game. There were games going on continuously throughout the night with prizes given out to any and all winners.“Campus programming is really thrilled everyone came out and had a good time,” said sophomore Colin Chinn.The Rec Center had games going on all night long, similar to the game “Wipe Out.” They also had basketball games, a ball pit for students to play in, and plenty of competitions.“The Rec Center looked great with all of the events,” said Chinn.Along with all the games, there was also a magician roaming around both buildings. Not only was he able to amaze students with his card tricks, but he was able to do mind tricks as well that left students stumped.The magician wasn’t the only one roaming the building. Lobo came out and made an appearance to take pictures and sing karaoke.“I loved all the free food and Lobo wandering around,” senior Kristin Purvis said. “You could really feel the seawolf spirit”Although some outdoor events were not able to go on because of weather and other circumstances, all of the indoor events made up for it.Every part of both buildings were stuffed full of different events for students to try. Building Takeover provided students a stress relief night before midterms.
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