Every fall, one of the most anticipated events of the year, Panhellenic recruitment, comes to campus. Recruitment takes place over several days during Labor Day weekend; Aug. 31 to Sep. 3. When talking to senior Emily Ball, a Liberal Studies major, she mentioned that going through recruitment was the best decision she’s made at Sonoma State Unvieristy. “Joining Alpha Xi Delta has helped with my connection to more students on campus, influenced me to take on leadership roles, and given me my best friends.”
There are a total of eight different sororities on campus: Alpha Delta Pi, Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Phi Sigma Sigma, Kappa Delta Zeta, and Lambda Kappa Pi. They each have their own philanthropies that they support and raise money for.
Paz Medina, a senior Early Childhood Studies major and member of Phi Sigma Sigma, said Greek life changed her college experience by “pushing me out of my comfort zone and getting more involved in school and the community.” Sophomore Rickiyah McGrady, a Psychology major, agreed and said, “[Greek life] has helped me see the importance of working hard to achieve the things I want, and being surrounded by girls who all want the best for you makes it all that much easier and fulfilling.”
As McGrady mentioned, the great thing about going through recruitment is that you’re not alone. During Recruitment, the Sororities put everyone into different groups and have counselors, also known as Rho Gams, designated to help them along and give you support. Spending so much time with eachother, even when girls go their separate ways at the end of the weekend, helps people form lasting friendships and bonds with group members and Rho Gams.
Carly Wade, a senior majoring in Communications, is the Recruitment Chair on the Panhellenic Executive board. “I oversee the recruitment process for all six of the national sororities on campus.” she said. “I make sure that all the rules and bylaws are being followed.” When Wade was asked what one piece of advice she would give to someone going through recruitment, her answer was simply to be yourself.
There are info nights still happening every night leading up to recruitment weekend. The exact dates are Aug. 27, 28 and 29 all starting at 8 p.m. in the Cooperage. Check one out and see what greek life is all about. The deadline to register is Aug. 29 at midnight.
Once you have registered, there is an All About Recruitment meeting where you meet the recruitment counselor that will lead you through the weekend, and get specific details of the process, and all questions answered. It’s a kick-start to the weekend and to help you feel comfortable and not so overwhelmed. After talking to each girl in different chapters, they agreed that going through recruitment is a great way to get involved on campus and is a rewarding experience you won’t regret.
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