It’s A Guy Thing is a place for all genders to have casual conversation about what it is truly like to be a man in today’s world. This group addresses not only the challenges, but also the responsibilities and other free conversation topics that arise within the group setting at the informal meeting. Students are allowed to freely voice their opinions and concerns in hopes to better understand men in society today.
This event is all gender inclusive and is held on Sept. 12th from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the HUB Cultural Center on Sonoma State University’s campus. It gives students from all ages, ethnic groups, genders, and interests the opportunity to come together and talk about what exactly a “Guy Thing” is and what that entails. Third year student, Oscar Urbina, has experienced life as a guy in college and believes that this event is the perfect place for all genders to express how they feel.
“Although I have not been to an ‘It’s A Guy Thing’ event yet,” said Urbina, “hearing about the conversations that happen and the freedom people feel when expressing their thoughts, opinions, and ideas has been inspiring. I am definitely interested in attending, it seems like an amazing place to hear the voices of the unheard and speak my own thoughts.”
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It’s A Guy Thing gives students the ability to have a voice when they don’t believe they may have one. Along with this, it allows for others to just simply listen without feeling the pressure to necessarily voice their own opinions or feelings. For those who are looking to meet new people and enjoy the company of students with the same thoughts and ideas as you, this is the perfect event.
“Knowing what it feels like, personally, to be a guy in a college setting, there is a lot of pressure to not end up like another stereotypical college guy seen in the movies,” said Urbina, “I want to make sure that all guys, including myself, are held accountable for all of our actions and follow through with our responsibilities, this event seems like the perfect place to talk about it”
It’s A Guy Thing has made it its goal to become an event for students to be active and to turn their thoughts into words and eventually into actions. Go be a part of the movement and the voice and visit It’s A Guy Thing on Sept. 12.
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