Another blood drive is making its way to Sonoma State University on Tues. Nov 12.. The blood drive will be held in the Recreation Center on campus. It will begin at 10 a.m. and will continue until 3 p.m.
This blood drive will be hosted by Pi Kappa Phi, a fraternity on campus and Vitalent. Vitalent is a nonprofit organization that collects blood from volunteer donors and provides blood, blood products, and services across the U.S. Vitalent was founded in 1943, making it the oldest as well as largest nonprofit organization.
Vitalent provides blood to 1,000 of hospitals across 40 states where it all goes to use in various different medical treatments.
“I wanted our fraternity to host this blood drive because of the effects the fire had on the donation centers ability to collect blood. I know how important it is to give blood to those who need it the most and this is my chance to show how much our chapter truly cares about helping patients in need,” said the Pi Kappa Phi philanthropy chairman, Bryen Mariano.
Blood donation is vital because maintaining an adequate blood supply in all communities ensures blood transfusions for patients. About 40% of the U.S. population is able to donate blood however, less than 10% actually do. A single blood donation can save and enhance the lives of up to three patients.
“ I just recently donated blood for the first time and knowing that donating blood just once can save three lives is so inspiring. I wish I had done it before but now I definitely look forward to more opportunities in doing so,” said Briahna Marmol, a Sonoma State student.
A new cool tool these blood drives offer to those who participate in it is that they can sign up to receive text message updates so they will know whenever their blood is used to help others.
“When I received that message it made me feel like what I was doing really made a difference and make the whole experience way more hands on,” said Megan McGuire, a Sonoma State alum.
For those who cannot give blood, there are other ways to help out and get involved. Things such as hosting a blood drive or advocating the need for blood donations can immensely help. By advocating, it can spread the word and encourage people to take part in this event. Highlighting the need for blood donations could get a variety of generations in touch with the importance of saving lives.
Vitalent exists in order to make a difference in people’s lives.They want to ensure patients have the blood they need by tomorrow. A prime example to show just how impactful this company is in May they responded to requests for additional blood in Colorado in order to help treat victims of the STEM School Highland Ranch shooting. The additional blood that they received was an add on to the blood supply that they already had on the shelves. With that, they were able to help several different patients and was made possible because of the donors that take some time out of their day in order to donate blood.
This event is open to everyone. Water, a bunch of little snacks, and more will be provided!
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