As our generation faces unprecedented times, Sonoma State University (SSU) is adapting to online resources to bring as much activity to the Seawolf community as possible. Since March 31, Student Involvement has partnered with College Trivia Nerds from Rebellevents to host Trivia Nights every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
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Trivia Nights give students the chance to test their knowledge in a friendly laid back atmosphere. Although the competition is entirely friendly, Seawolves are in it to win it with Seawolf bucks offered to the top three contestants of each game!
Not only do the top three students of each game win Seawolf Bucks, but at the end of the series contestants with the highest scores across all previous games will win an even bigger prize.
To play, students need a laptop/desktop for Zoom and then an iphone/android to download the app Kahoot. Kahoot is what students will use to answer questions. To join Trivia Night through, visit the new Virtual Seawolf Event page at: https://www.sonoma.edu/calendar/ssu-trivia-nights-0.
Some students may wonder, what can they expect from an online Trivia Night session.
“Trivia Night is a place for our Noma Nation to connect and be in a community. A little fun to escape the day. A challenge to keep us moving, friendly faces to say hello. New friends, new connections, and same Noma Nation love,” said Will Montgomery lll, one of the programmers and host of each Trivia Night.
Questions range from an array of topics drawing from pop-culture references, history, sports, music and much more. The pace between each question is quite quick so students can forget trying to look questions up.
“I heard about Trivia Night from an email sent out from Judy Sakaki so I decided to check it out on Thursday night and had so much fun. It was the perfect distraction from everything that is going on,” said first year transfer student, Melanie Sanchez.
Trivia Night is a welcoming environment for all Seawolves, both new and returning.
“As soon as I joined the group I was greeted by Mo and a group of students. The host, Will, is really funny and engaging. The music that played in the background was cool and it was a really nice vibe overall. Everyone was really nice,” said fourth year psychology student, Stephanie Swanson.
According to the Director of Student Involvement, Mo Philips, there is a lot students can look forward to when it comes to Trivia Night. At the moment Student Involvement is working on creating digital caricatures that students can use on Zoom while playing. These caricatures should be similar to the Bitmojis that people use on Snapchat and other platforms.
Philips also says that Student Involvement is working on hosting another Sexual Assault Awarness Trivia Night. According to Philips, students can also look forward to virtual escape rooms!
It’s entirely evident that Student Involvement is putting their best minds together to make student life the best it can be. In times like these it’s up to our student leaders to be as innovative and adaptable as possible.
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