Recently, I took my friend’s iPhone and was confused at first because the format and style of the home screen was different, but then I realized it had been updated. Apple launched a new update for iPhones, the iOS7.
What exactly is iOS7? I know I was wondering what exactly this meant when I heard the news. iOS is the foundation for Apple devices including iPods, iPhones and iPads.
It is the most current technology built into Apple hardware.
iOS7 was designed to be easy on the eye. Consumers are supposed to be able to pick up an iPhone and not be confused, so it is important for the new update to be user-friendly.
Everything about this tool is supposed to feel easy. iOS7 has built-in features that people use every day such as Safari, email, Face Time, photos, maps, etc.
What is new and improved about the iOS7 is it creates a more simple and useful experience.
Unnecessary tools and buttons have been eliminated from the iPhones with this update. It focuses more on content and allows the user to multitask better on the iPhone.
The new features are familiar to the iPhone brand, so the user does not have to learn how to do everything all over again. The iOS7 is also more personalized. This update has new approaches linked to animation and motion, making even the simplest tasks more engaging and entertaining.
I have not updated my phone yet because I feel new programs and technology always have bugs that go through the wire. Whenever Apple has an update I am usually confused. I take a few days to adjust. I still have people showing me shortcuts to this day.
When I asked people whether or not they liked the new update, I mostly got positive feedback.
“I like it. On the iPhone 4 and 4S it doesn’t utilize its full capability, but it is cool and makes things somewhat easier. It also gives it a new look,” said student Veronica Tarutani.
“It can look complicated at first because it is new, but I like it,” said student Daniel Scannell.
I was surprised to hear a boy liked it, because a common complaint I have heard is that the style and format of iOS7 is too girly and childish.
It is important for people to do research before just switching to new updates. Personally, I know it would be my luck to get a bug and have my phone break down on me.
I think the older generation would agree iPhones are not an easy technology to become accustomed to.
I have to agree myself, because when I first switched to an iPhone I was hesitant about it.
It took me a while to get used to it. I feel I will have to learn everything on my phone all over again because there are new features.
Personally, I would love an update that includes an app that fixes broken iPhone screens.
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