As Sonoma County moves into the orange tier and Governor Newsom has announced that after June 15 pandemic mandates would be lifted. However, the mask mandate would remain, and starting April 15 indoor venues are to reopen depending on the county’s tier and with restrictions.
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According to the San Francisco Chronicle’s website, Sonoma County has allowed “outdoor live gatherings like sports and performances at permanent venues with modifications, like limited regional attendance and in seat concessions only” but not, “indoor gatherings such as nightclubs, convention centers, festivals, and concerts.”
Variety reports that venues will now start reopening on April 15 with the condition that audience members provide proof of being fully vaccinated or testing negative for Coronavirus. Another caveat is that the number of attendees would coincide with where the county falls under the restriction tiers.
Third year student, Rosario Gonzalez, thinks that “you cannot stop people from leaving their house and business need to run so I think that if we have to do indoor events, they should enforce the vaccine.”
Calif. wasn’t the only state reopening theaters and other sorts of venues. Other sorts of venues, including New York, announced the reopening of indoor entertainment locations with 33% capacity.
Caitlin Aaron Vadnais, a third year student at Sonoma State University stated that she was “feeling optimistic about indoor venues reopening soon.” Vadnais went on to say that as a fully vaccinated person she feels comfortable going to outdoor venues but “that being said I still believe that these venues have an obligation to reopen as safely as possible. This means meeting social distancing and other CDC guidelines, and I even wouldn’t be opposed to the proof of vaccination or COVID test methods.” Vadnais added that despite not being able to “think of any Sonoma County venues that I’m itching to go, I’m definitely excited to go back to places like the Fox Theater in Oakland and the Fillmore in San Francisco as conditions continue to improve.”
The San Francisco Giants have welcomed back fans on April 9 who tested negative or were fully vaccinated. Oracle Park was separated into nine zones each with designated concession stands and bathrooms and only at 22% percent venue capacity, according to ABC7 Bay Area News.
Another notable reopening in April is that of Disneyland. They have announced that Disneyland will be reopening the parks as of April 30 with restrictions including that only Calif. residents will be allowed to visit the parks. Public Relations Director Michael Ramirez for Disneyland Resort stated that, “until further notice, only California residents may visit the parks in line with current state guidelines,” and that, “members of the local community to be the first theme park guests after more than a year of closure.”
Another third-year student Bryana said she “feels less hesitant to go out especially since my friends and I are vaccinated,” but worries that “many people are not vaccinated and are going out without taking precautions.” As a Marvel fan, she misses seeing movies on the big screen.
Now that indoor venues are allowed to open back up, venues and event planners are going to have to put concerts and other productions together as well as booking artists and production companies in a safe manner following CDC guidelines and other restrictions as well. It’s yet to be seen what challenges they’ll face in the coming months amidst an ongoing pandemic.
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