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By now the words, “Ice Bucket Challenge” should send a shiver down your back every time you log onto your social media accounts. Without a doubt, this social media phenomenon, which continues to sweep the nation, has encouraged millions of Americans to soak themselves in a bucket of chilly ice water.
But why? To donate and create awareness so the foundation can fight against ALS. The campaign has swept the nation, and has even involved many celebrities.
Even though the challenge is going toward a great contribution, I think people are forgetting the true meaning behind this cause. It’s not just a social media fad; it’s about the people who are affected, as well as their families and friends.
It was just a few weeks ago when I watched the first “Ice Bucket” video and I thought it was hilarious, but it never crossed my mind that it would become a booming trend. A week later, it went viral and my Facebook news feed began blowing up of, “ALS Ice Bucket” videos. Practically every friend I have on Facebook is either posting a video or donating.
I find it heartwarming knowing how involved people are getting toward this cause. Even though there is a lot of support, there are mixed opinions. While there is a lot of positivity, there has also been a lot of negativity about the campaign.
But who would have thought a bucket of ice would turn controversial? The main annoyance involves people who are getting tired of seeing videos every time they’re on social media accounts.
The biggest issue for those in California is the serious drought going on. This contribution is having an effect on the people who fear of the low water supply.
I do consider myself one of those people who fall into the category of having concern and fear for wasting water every time I see the video of water being dumped. In the Los Angeles region, some people are being fined for participating in the challenge.
It was not until my boyfriend mentioned a story of his soccer coach being diagnosed just a few years ago, who is now paralyzed, that I realized how serious ALS is and the impact it has on the family and friends. The progression of it happens almost instantaneously and the life expectancy of it lasts from two to five years.
There is a lot more we need to learn, and that is why this campaign is so important because there is no cure for ALS. The disease affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body, overtime the degeneration leads to death when the whole body becomes paralyzed.
Even though California is going through a drought, some people are getting creative and using other options to conserve, but also participate as well. For instance, using pool water or even going to the beach to use cold ocean water.
The best way to help this contribution is by donating to the ALS foundation so they can find a solution for this disease. The point of the Ice Bucket Challenge is to raise awareness of ALS and help find a cure. So, to all the ice bucket haters, if you have a problem think about how this is actually making a positive difference in the world. We can only hope it brings comfort for those who suffer with this cruel disease.
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