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Some students have the privilege of getting a car from their parents. Many students (like myself) don’t have that luxury or type of financial support.
If Sonoma County Transit realized the importance of being on time to an interview for a student, there would be no problem. Though I got up at 9 a.m. to make it to the bus stop at 1 p.m., I found out that all my efforts were a waste because my interview was at 2:30 p.m. And though the bus got to me at 1 p.m., it did not make it to Santa Rosa until 3:15 p.m.
After this experience, I told myself it was my fault for not taking a look at the schedule and routes. However there came a second opportunity for SCT to prove to me that the first time was tough luck; it did not prove me wrong. This time, I looked at the schedules and planned my trip the night before a group interview.
The schedule pamphlet indicated the bus to my destination would arrive at noon. Since my interview was at 2 p.m., I figured I would be early given that I live in Rohnert Park and the interview was in Rohnert Park. After about an hour and a half of waiting, I contacted the number on the bus stop sign and was informed that the bus schedule was incorrect and that the next bus was not scheduled until 1:47 p.m.
“Is there another bus that is coming sooner that’ll get me where I need to go?” I asked. The answer was no. And that was it for me.
This would be the second time I would have to reschedule an interview just minutes before my scheduled time due to the transit being late.
The SCT might want to make changes to the schedule it puts in place because not only is it extremely inconvenient for the residents of Rohnert Park, but it can also be a safety issue for students who (also like myself) have night classes.
I have a class once a week on Tuesdays from 5:00-8:40 p.m. and I would like to know that there is a bus scheduled around that time so I don’t have to wait around in the dark alone. The next bus scheduled is at 9:40 p.m.; an entire hour after I’m out of class.
Though my opinion on public transportation is based on personal experiences, I know that there are students just like me who don’t have a car and have to ride a bus to every destination, and then back home.
The Sonoma County Transit should reevaluate their bus schedules and accommodate them so that bus times are more convenient to people who rely on buses to get them where they need to go, on time.
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