The time is here, where returning students have to choose whether to apply for housing next semester or live off campus, and incoming students will soon be faced with the same decision. There have been many complaints on the lack of cleanliness in the dorms, defective appliances and furnishings, and most importantly, the prices students are charged to live there. So the question is, are the dorms worth it?
Nick Hernandez, 21, has lived in the dorms for almost two years now and had a few things to say on the conditions that he has experienced. “The carpets are pretty dirty and when I moved in there was masking tape on the ceiling.” Hernandez wondered if the dorm he moved into had even been cleaned before he got there. This is something students should not have to worry about when having to spend so much money to go to school somewhere. Hernandez also mentioned a dirty bathtub and furniture that was worn to the point of having cuts throughout the back of the arms.
On another hand, Sophia Brown, 20, had a few good things to say about the dorms. “I really like living in the dorms. I think it’s very convenient and it’s reasonably priced for what you’re getting, much nicer than any other dorm you’ll get anywhere else.”
The dorms have their perks and can be a really great option for many students but there is definitely room for improvement. Hernandez said, “One thing I would choose to improve in the dorms would be consistency because last year our kitchen sink had one of those hard nozzle sprays and this year it does not. Last year I lived in a single and the toilet was really small but now I live in a double and the toilet is normal so I would like it to be the same, you know?”
Another student had a few things to say on what would make the dorms more desirable. Antonio KP, 19, who lives in a double on campus said, “I wish Sonoma State can improve the quality of the laundry room for the dorms and to make sure the flooring of the complex matches the price we’re paying for. I personally don’t think it’s a fair price, it’s a little too high.”
The price of the dorms has been an issue with many, as it has just gotten too expensive for students to afford. Hernandez said, “I would like the price to be lower just because we’re spending thousands of dollars just to go here.”
KP will not be moving back onto campus next year. He will be searching for an apartment off campus. “The reason why I want to find an apartment to live in is because Sonoma State’s housing rates are too expensive compared to apartments right outside of campus that are cheaper,” said KP.
The rates on campus range from $6,730 to $13,296 per academic year for transfers and continuing students. The cheapest rooms are those where you have to share with two other people, along with the other students in your suite.
For first years, the cost of living is more expensive, since first years living on campus are required to purchase a meal plan. Prices for first year students range from $11,938 to $19,206. And again, this is just for the academic year, not the full 12 month year.
Unlike KP, Hernandez will be returning. “I do plan to move into the dorms next semester and that’s because I don’t think I can get enough money to afford the Graton apartment month to month from now until then.”
KP, Brown, and Hernandez all live in Tuscany village on campus which is very popular among SSU students. Brown said “I think Tuscany is the best village and has the best layout.” Hernandez said, “The ideal village I would like to live in would still be Tuscany cause it just looks better than the other ones.”
Students have an important decision to make as we move closer to housing application deadlines.
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