Breaking a bone or needing an x-ray is stressful for most people, therefore, having someone that is compassionate as well as detail-oriented is extremely important. Radiology Technicians specialize in making the x-ray process go as smoothly as possible. At the Sonoma State University Student Health Center, the Radiologic Technologist is Ms. Noelle McGowan.
McGowan started working at Sonoma State as the Radiologic Technologist in December 2018. The previous tech was retiring and McGowan was ready to fill the position.
McGowan always knew she wanted to work in the medical field, however she didn’t initially know what specific area she wanted to pursue a career in. She started her healthcare adventure as a receptionist in the radiology department in Mills Health Center in San Mateo. This is where she got her first introduction in radiology. “I loved the interaction the x-ray tech and the patient had and how we have to really gain some patients’ trust so that they will be more likely to be able to tolerate an uncomfortable exam due to an injury or illness,” McGowan said.
At the Student Health Center, McGowan has many responsibilities that revolve around the various injuries students come in with. Her main responsibility is to take diagnostic x-rays for students, as well as fitting things like walking boots and crutches. She also wraps ankles, feet, wrists and hands when they are injured. When not taking x-rays or dealing with injuries, McGowan can be found sitting at the front desk answering phones, making appointments or doing any office tasks that may need to be done at the Health Center.
When working, McGowan loves being able to interact with a large number of people. She has always been a people person and has enjoyed chatting with and getting to know so many students. “Even if it’s only a very short encounter, I like to think that at a time when someone isn’t feeling well or is in pain that I was able to help them,” McGowan said.
McGowan is a very talkative person and has always been that way. She has lived in California for over 20 years, but she is originally from Ireland. “I definitely have the Irish “Gift of the Gab” as I love to talk and do a lot! Anyone that has ever met me will more than agree,” McGowan said. In addition to students, she enjoys chatting with other Health Center staff members as well. “It is such a pleasure working with Noelle! She has such a great sense of humor and brings such joy into the workplace for both staff and students,” Carolyn Montgomery, health center coordinating nurse, said.
McGowan loves examining broken bones and taking x-rays is her favorite thing about working as a radiology technician. “As a patient, I know broken bones are awful, but as the x-ray tech I love to see them!” McGowan said.
Since she started working at Sonoma State, McGowan has been able to balance her home and work lives better. She loves working in the Health Center because it gives her the opportunity to spend good amounts of time working and being at home with her family. “The Health Center has given me the flexibility to work but still be present in my children’s lives when I need to,” McGowan said.
Outside of work and before the pandemic, she loves taking her three daughters to various places, some of which include: Six Flags and the water park in the summer. They also love going camping when they have time off. “When I am not at work and we aren’t in a pandemic I love going places with my kids, we have big plans for when Covid is over to take a lot of trips to make up for all of the ones we have missed,” McGowan said.
During the pandemic, she has been spending a lot more time with her family at home. One of her biggest recent accomplishments is being able to keep her sanity while helping a kindergartener, a first grader and a fourth grader with their distance learning while also working at the Health Center. “My husband helps a lot but we can’t wait until things can go back close to normal,” McGowan said.
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