Currently, masks are required indoors at SSU and outdoors if social distancing isn’t possible.
Nicole Rivera, a senior Biology major at Sonoma State states her opinion when asked about the mask mandate regarding indoor use and its effectiveness. “I think that having masks worn indoors is the best way to prevent the transmission of COVID particles…”
In addition, Rivera explains how she thinks it’s important to wear masks during outdoor events as well.
With Sonoma State having Lil Big Nite (one of the university’s first large outdoor events of the year), Rivera said, “…There were people not wearing masks or wearing them improperly. It is a bit unavoidable since there’s a lot of attendees and only a few staff members, but this is where we as community members have the chance to step up and remind others to wear their masks.”
As it turns out, one individual who attended Lil Big Nite tested positive for COVID-19 and has potentially spread the virus to a great handful of students. Sonoma State’s COVID response team promptly sent out an email alerting students and faculty to the fact that, “If masks and all protocols were followed, the risk of transmission in this setting is relatively low.”
Marcos Peech, a senior Biology major at Sonoma State, gave additional input on the mask mandate.
He currently believes that the campus mandate is effective in combating the spread of COVID-19. “With masks on, we can do much more interaction yet decreasing the chance of getting the virus”, Peech states. Additionally, Peech believes the school’s current precautions with wearing masks inside all campus buildings and sanitizing stations all across the campus is good.
The latter adds to the question that Peech received in regards to if he would change or add anything regarding mask rules on campus. While he remains comfortable with the current enforcement efforts, Ella Gomez, a senior Biology major at Sonoma State at Sonoma State says otherwise. Gomez states “…the school should consider making free disposable masks more widely available to encourage students to wear properly fitting and effective masks”. With the recent Lil’ Big Nite event, having just occurred, Gomez also expressed frustration with outdoor events not having the same regard to mask policy as opposed to indoor practices of mask use.
Gomez went on to say, “There has been times when I was not fully comfortable entering a space because someone was not wearing a mask or because there were far too many people in that area.”
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, the opinion of students and faculty in regards to the University’s mask mandate has remained mostly positive. While the university has created policies to ensure students and faculty remain comfortable, Rivera and Gomez’s thoughts remain skeptical towards its effectiveness outdoors. “…Making people wear masks outside might be too challenging, but it should be mandatory for outdoor events,” Rivera said.
It’s difficult to predict how Sonoma State will adapt as time goes on, considering the pandemic has remained prevalent, however, it is certain that the university has continued to commit to safe and healthy mask practices towards its community.
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