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Construction of the new University District began recently in the dirt lots near parking lots M and N across from Sonoma State’s Green Music Center.
According to the University District Specific Plan, this development will boast 1,645 homes, two parks, a public plaza, ball fields and hard court areas all resting on 297 acres.
The plan summarizes the development’s goal to be a pedestrian oriented community with a commercial center and diverse housing in close proximity to education and cultural facilities as well as job opportunities, possibly even at Sonoma State University.
When looking at the types and sizes of homes, the lots in the development plan seem to cover a wide spectrum. Some houses will be single family units, while others will be multi-family units in the form of townhouses and apartments.
The plan offers many details on the types of housing but no word yet on any of this housing being designated for students.
Good news might rest with the new plan for the commercial plaza in the center of the University District, as well as the possibility of another plaza to be built on the dirt lot just north of the Green Music Center, on the other side of Rohnert Park Expressway.
The new housing development will welcome individuals and families to a community with not only shops and parks at a walking distance, but also Sonoma State and all of the events resources it offers.
New community members might be able to enjoy a Friday night with a walk in the park, new places to eat food and even an evening concert at the local university. The possibilities of the future development are endless.
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