During Sonoma State University’s Associated Students Senate meeting on Friday, student representatives discussed topics relating to students safety and class offerings. Each student senator gave their report for the week on the topics they are working on including installing LED lights on campus, updating crosswalks and upcoming class registration.
A guest speaker came into talk about Title XI, which concerns discrimination on the basis of sex on college campuses.
While at the senate meeting, student officers discussed liaison and advisor reports that impact the students at Sonoma State and campuses nation wide. Title XI said at Sonoma State that men and women sports teams must be equal in the amount of teams with the same amount of money being paid for each.
The Title XI committee is also responsible for training and programs to prevent sexual violence on college campuses. This has been a problem at many campuses and the senate want to take steps inhelping prevent this issue. Their goal is to make campuses as safe as they can be.
At the meeting, Arts and Humanities Senator Olivia Smith gave insight on new classes coming soon to Sonoma State, including a Portuguese language class as well as a new women and gender’s studies course.
Smith also argued the campus needs better alarm systems in times of emergency.
The current alarm system on campus sends alerts to campus police, within 10-15 seconds. Student representatives stressed the importance of students signing up for the university’s emergency alert system so they will get all call, text and email alerts of emergencies on campus.
Also at last week’s senate meeting, officers discussed amending Associated Students’ scholarship program that brings more than 100 applicants each year and with only 10 recipients.
The senate discussed reducing the amount of money to $500 and increasing the amount of recipients to 20 students.
Associated Students meets every Friday at 1 p.m. in the Student Center.
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