The boys of AEPi raised over $7,000 and recruited over 120 individuals into the bone marrow registry this past week. One hundred percent of the profits from the 300 tickets sold for the finale dance will also be going to young adults struggling with cancer.
Philanthropy Chair and Pledge Master, Zach Faerber, finds this cause near and dear to his heart as he has lost both parents to cancer. Faerber is a senior medical anthropology major who has worked for three long months preparing for this event. He claims the organization has helped him through the toughest parts of his life.
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“This is something that I, as a transfer student, use to help put on at UC Irvine,” said Faerber. “I have been so blessed and fortunate to be able to have the support of the founder of Cuck Fancer, Ben Teller and AEPi.”
AEPi started off their philanthropy week with a table set out on Piersons lawn educating and informing people just exactly what their philanthropy was all about. With the plus of free pizza and fun props to take pictures with.
AEPi’s sweetheart, Jordyn Solny, was also out there supporting the sorority efforts and raising money while doing it. Solyn is a junior early childhood education major who was more than happy to get a little messy for a good cause. This year they were able to raise $1,200 from Pie a Pi alone, which was the event held on Tuesday.
“I love watching them all take part in spreading the word and getting involved,” said Solny. “Besides the sticky mess and the much needed shower, I love being able to sit in whipped cream next to some of my favorite guys while we all take part in being indulged in whipped cream!”
The next event in the week was learning how to save a life with one easy cheek swab for the Bone Marrow Registry. Love Your Melon, Lambda Kappa Pi, Be the Match, and Canine Companions teamed up with the hopes of attracting a bigger crowd. Participants who where willing to swab their cheeks gained free entry to play with puppies.
“The easiest way to make a difference is to register to the Bone Marrow Registry, and the easiest way to get on the registry is a simple cotton swab to the cheek,” said Faerber. “In the past few years, Cuck Fancer swabbed over 2,000 students and raised over $100,000 at college universities.”
They ended their week of events with an Anything But Clothes rave Thursday night. All profits of this event will also be going to their philanthropy efforts to support cancer research and awareness.
Members of the fraternity have also created gofundme pages for each brother who will be shaving their head as another way to raise money for their cause. They asked for $2 donations to participate in the shaving of a head.
“Their philanthropy means a lot to me because of how much it means to the guys in AEPi.,” said Solny. “As someone who grew up with family members and friends who lost their lives due to cancer, it was important for me to get the word out to Sonoma to raise money and awareness.”
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