Brand new to Sonoma State University, Flux is an online literary magazine that is set to debut in Fall 2019 where it welcomes students across majors.
This club will feature three areas of content which include, art, creative writing & poetry and “the Grey Area.”
The content may be submitted by students, faculty and alumni, making this an open club. By making this club open for submission, it will provide diversity to the magazine.
Flux will not only focus on the artistic side of the campus, but will also offer an opportunity for writers to express their opinions on politics and takes on campus controversy.
“My goal is to encourage political debate on college campuses and to maximize our academic freedoms as much as possible,” said Noelle Dahl, the founder of Flux Magazine. “With this being said, Flux Magazine encourages students to not only have a discussion about criticisms they may encounter on our campus, but instead offer a solution in order to rectify these issues.”
What sets Flux apart from the Sonoma State Star and Volt is “the Grey Area” section of the magazine.
It will bring the opportunity to dive into any campus controversies, independent investigations, interviews with faculty and staff and student political opinion pieces with full transparency. This section is intended to bring freedom of expression and honesty to the articles.
Dahl, as he Arts & Humanities senator, realized the need for for Flux, wen she saw how much creativity and open conversation between faculty, staff and students was not fully represented by any other campus media outlet.
“Noelle envisioned Flux, an online magazine featuring stories, art and poetry, as well as political commentary,” said Arts & Humanities Dean Hollis Robbins, who pushed for the creation of this club said. “As Flux welcomes submissions from everybody from professors to parking and facilities staff, the magazine feature voices more diverse and inclusive than any other campus publication.”
The structure of Flux will consist of writers that submit one article a week, always verifying facts. The editors position includes compiling submissions, managing staff, and deciding which articles best fit the weekly issue.
Also, articles will get checked for reasonable and appropriate content. It is expected that there will be weekly meeting.
There have been two informational meetings this semester. The purpose of the meetings were to listen to the students wants, needs, and feedback. Discussion moved quickly across the room when passionate students were sitting side by side expressing their ideas to Dahl.
Perhaps the highest in demand is an entertainment section. which was mentioned by numerous students during the initial meetings. The entertainment section is expected to land under the creative writing category. Students agreed that the inclusion of a more lighter toned entertainment portion will help to balance the serious tone of “the Grey Area” and reach a larger audience of readers.
“I believe Flux will be an incredible outlet for genuine, honest discussion and debate from the voices of our students. I am so excited by positive and enthusiastic responses it’s already received, and I can’t wait to see the impact it continues to have,” sophomore at Sonoma State sophomore Sara Stoner said. “This campus is so full of diverse opinions and ideas, but they can so easily become stifled by the majority opinion. We are long overdue for a platform to speak honestly on, and I believe Flux will be just that.”
Flux is open to add more sections and additional ideas to the club. For any questions or ideas, email Flux at, or follow or direct message @fluxssu.
Stay connected on their social media pages for the launch of the website and more informational meetings in Fall 2019.
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